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Click for Music - When You Wish Upon a Star


By Amanda Robb
Age 12

A white rose grew in a small flower bed
Among other roses all colored red
Alone she did grow - natural and pure
How was she able - we're not really sure

In states of exclusion - her thoughts left to her
The feeling of blindness was in search for a cure
Exception among others was always in thought
But the true answers did never get taught

Just one other was all she asked for
Another to love but their love would be more
To be loved is more powerful than any song or word
This gift is what's needed for the white rose to be cured

Flower to flower she searched and tried
Until one night she gave up and cried
A glowing star above saw her and questioned the tears
They talked for hours about life - joys and fears

Hour upon hour - day after day
They talked about everything they both had to say
Until one night the star said "I love you"
The fragile white rose didn't know what to do

"But we're so different" she finally replied
And the wise glowing star just simply sighed
"Yes we are different - I know this is true
But that doesn't mean that we can't love you"

Relieved, but still frightened, the rose settled down
A tear fell from her petals and softly hit the ground
And as the night came to an end with a wet morning dew
The rose whispered sweetly - "I love you too"



By Sarah Vickers
age 8

Curled in your snugly lap
Is where you'll take a little nap
And if you pat my long white fur
You'll be sure to hear me purr

Very long into the night
When you're fast asleep in your snugly den
In your dream, you'll seem
to see me on a gymnastics beam



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