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Poetry Corner

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Mr Dougs Small Street Journal


By Kelly Maines
Age 5

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
You're my new mom
and I love you too

Roses are Red
Violets are too
I love Daddy
and I love you too!



By Heather Anderson
Age 12

When this terrible day had come,
I tried to think of the awful one.

The One that chose to be violent and cruel,
The One who said he didn't need to follow the rules.

The Evil One who had death on this mind...
Why would God make such a kind?

But it wasn't God we should blame,
It is the Terrorists whose name we shame.

For they are the ones who hurt us all,
Hoping that we will all soon fall.

But we will prove everyone wrong again,
for we are proud to be AMERICAN !!!!!!!!


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