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Poetry Corner

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Kids Korner

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Mr Dougs Kids Korner


By Sierra Henries
Age 14

As the morning starts
My Mom spreads melting
cream cheese on her freshly
toasted bagel

--- I TASTE ---

I help my Dad bring in wood
To make a fire that has so many
designs and textures

---I TOUCH ---

My Sister turns the radio up as
We sing to her favorite song

---I HEAR ---

My Family and I walk down to
the lake passing many sweet
plants and flowers

---I SMELL---

At the end of a long and tiring
day I sit ddown on the big cozy
couch and click on my favorite
TV show

---I SEE---

As my Sister and I go to bed we kiss
our parents in our very own special
way and go to sleep being happy that
we are


When more poems are submitted
they will be added to this section,
but that's it for now.

Mr. Doug


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