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Grandpa’s Day in the Desert

Grandpa's Day's in the Desert The weather was getting very hard to cope with,
the heat was so intense that we were beginning
toget weak.When we came upon this small pool of
water.Must have been from a rain in the last few
days.and we sit down beside it and wet our feet.
They were so hot from the desert floor and we
needed so much to get a drink.but didn't know if
the water was safe to drink.Then I remembered I
had some salt in my napsack.I took out the old
tin cup that I had and with a piece of my shirt
I strained the water into the cup.put in a few
sprinkles of salt.Knowing that salt had a medicine
called iodine in it was sure it would kill a lot
of germs.We let it set for a few minutes before
we drank it.Wasn't like what we had at home but
sure hit the spot.Stopped the thrist.Then rested
a few minutes to be off again.Not feeling the
greatest from the salty water.But knew we must
find a way out of this heat for we there had been
many men die out here.We had been walking for
hours,and Bart spotted this large boulder,must
have been fifteen feet high and fifty foot across.
and as we came upon it noticed there was a large
amount of shade on the other side.Also that it
was getting late the night would be on us soon.
And being very tired decided to spend a few hours
and get some wellneeded rest.As hadn't had that
for a couple of days.The three of us were very
much in need of some sleep.After a few hours,we
had a small amount of water and a few peices of
beef jerky left,so had a little bit to eat.It
was just starting to get a little light so we
could see,when we heard this loud sound,and all
raised up about the same time.We had opened our
eyes to see some of the most beautiful Pinto Pony's.
Not running just standing there watching us,like as
if to say well are you going with us are not.
They were so beautiful all colors.I raised up
slowly and eased toward this great Black and white
Pinto,For a second the animal raised his head,
as if he was going to run.And calmed down again.
Bart and Paul had picked out a couple of nice pony's
to their liking.We stood there and admired the
Pony's,and thanked God for these great animals
that he had sent us.Knowing the Indians rode a lot
of Pinto's.Maybe some where out there in the Desert,
We would find a Tribe.For on the pony's were these's
beautiful bead's and blanket's .Beginning to feel
better knowing that these Pony's belong to a Tribe
out there.That some one might be around to save us
from this heat and maybe dying.After a few moments
we were an hour are so there they were.We
had let the Pony's just do their thing and they
had taken us strait to the tribe. The greatest
feeling.The tribe was Navaho They were the nicest
people.They treated us with great kindness and
respect.Feed us the best of meals Gave us a place
to rest.The people made the most beautiful bead's
and other thing's That the women wore.All different
kinds of blankets that were on the pony's Their
talent was so impressive.Almost hated to leave.
After a ride for the next two days.Took us to a
small town called Phoenix In Arizona.It was a small
town but nice to be back.where there was good ole
well water a good bath and lots of good food.After
a few days we were back home in Ole Missouri.
Sure did like that new machine they called a Train.
As the back side was getting tired of riding a Pony.
For now
This is Ole Gramp's signing off.
will be talking to you.
Walt Chapman

© Walt Chapman

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