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 Families Forever

Foetal diagnosis & Child loss support group


  • Meet us
  • Waiting with love
  • What is? (facts)
  • Stories
  • Articles
  • online journals
  • Resources (various areas)
  • Professional counselling
  • Discussion board
  • Chat room
  • Newsletter
  • Guestbook
  • Add your link
  • Gifts


    Web rings
    Join our Foetal diagnostic ring
    join our Families Forever ring


    Scheduled chat
    Friday  the 25th of Aug 7.30 PM, QLD Australia time

  • Journals of bereaved parents


    A journey through various emotions




    Here you will find different people's journals through grief after losing their child or children. Those entries are very powerful and will show you that strong emotions are part of the grieving process. It may also show you "how normal" you may feel.

    I would like to thank every one who participated in this very difficult section.

    Anyone can have their own online journal on this site,

    Email me with a minimum of two entries ( small is ok).



    (Click on the names to read  their journals)


    Stephanie   Sid      Beth     Lynda