<bGSOUND SRC="wholenewworld.mid" LOOP="10">

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 Families Forever

Foetal diagnosis & Child loss support group


  • Meet us
  • Waiting with love
  • What is? (facts)
  • Stories
  • Articles
  • online journals
  • Resources (various areas)
  • Professional counselling
  • Discussion board
  • Chat room
  • Newsletter
  • Guestbook
  • Add your link
  • Gifts


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    join our Families Forever ring



  • What is...?


    This new section will try to give some information on illnesses and malformations your baby may have been diagnosed with.

    Unfortunately, not all the conditions are listed. Would you know of a diagnosis not found on this page and that is relevant to this site, please email me with the details or the name and I will create a page for it.


    Thank you. 


    Sources: Online medical dictionary  (2003)



    Potter's syndrome    Anencephaly    Down syndrome


    Hypoplastic left heart syndrome    Spina bifida


    Diaphragmatic Hernia    Trisomies (13,18..)