Thick With Conviction - A Poetry Journal
thick with conviction a poetry journal

Daniel Ames


from a distance it looked like yoga or meditation
facing the mountains of santa monica
the pacific
on the soft green grass near Ocean
as the distance closed
and the bits of grass on her sweatpants
became noticeable
as the holes in her t-shirt became apparent
the knots in her hair
the back and forth motion appearing not
as a rhythmic dance of relaxation
but the frayed ends of a brain burning
it wasn’t a peaceful morning in Santa Monica
but a mound of flesh and bone being
eaten by the acid
of dying dreams

Daniel Ames has had his poetry recently published in The Centrifugal Eye, Flutter Poetry Journal, Opium Poetry and The Inquisition. More poems are slated for 2009 publication in Magnolia: A Florida Journal of Literary & Fine Arts, Edison Literary Review, and Hudson View Poetry. His short fiction has been featured in HandHeldCrime and Orchard Press Mysteries. Daniel is currently seeking a publisher for his book of poems entitled “Feasting at the Table of the Damned.” You can learn more about Daniel and contact him at


Current Issue:
July 2009


Dan Ames
Patricia Cook
Chris Crittenden
Sarah Demers
James Duncan
Taylor Graham
Paul Hostovsky
Michael Keshigian
Steve Kissing
Don Kloss
Donal Mahoney
Peter Tetro
Christian Ward
Patricia Wellingham-Jones

