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Pokémon 31-60

31. Name: Nidoqueen
Type: Poison/Ground
Good Against: Electric, Fire
Bad Against: Ground, Ghost
Evolution: None

32. Name: Nidoran Male
Type: Poison
Good Against: Grass, Bug
Bad Against: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost
Evolution: Nidorino at L.16

33. Name: Nidorino
Type: Poison
Good Against: Grass, Bug
Bad Against: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost
Evolution: Use Moon Stone to get Nidoking

34. Name: Nidoking
Type: Poison/Ground
Good Against: Electric, Fire
Bad Against: Ground, Ghost
Evolution: None

35. Name: Clefairy
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: Use Moon Stone to get Clefable

36. Name: Clefable
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: None

37. Name: Vulpix
Type: Fire
Good Against: Grass, Ice, Bug
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Evolution: Use Fire Stone to get Ninetales

38. Name: Ninetales
Type: Fire
Good Against: Grass, Ice, Bug
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Evolution: None

39. Name: Jigglypuff
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: Use Moon Stone to get Wigglytuff

40. Name: Wigglytuff
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: None

41. Name: Zubat
Type: Poison/Flying
Good Against: Grass, Bug, Fighting
Bad Against: Ground, Poison, Rock, Ghost, Electric
Evolution: Golbat at L.22

42. Name: Golbat
Type: Poison/Flying
Good Against: Grass, Bug, Fighting
Bad Against: Ground, Poison, Rock, Ghost, Electric
Evolution: None

43. Name: Oddish
Type: Grass/Poison
Good Against: Water
Bad Against: Fire, Poison, Flying, Dragon, Ghost
Evolution: Gloom at L.21

44. Name: Gloom
Type: Grass/Poison
Good Against: Water
Bad Against: Fire, Poison, Flying, Dragon, Ghost
Evolution: Use Leaf Stone to get Vileplume

45. Name: Vileplume
Type: Grass/Poison
Good Against: Water
Bad Against: Fire, Poison, Flying, Dragon, Ghost
Evolution: None

46. Name: Paras
Type: Bug/Grass
Good Against: Psychic, Water, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Ghost, Flying, Fighting, Fire, Poison, Bug, Dragon
Evolution: Parasect at L.24

47. Name: Parasect
Type: Bug/Grass
Good Against: Psychic, Water, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Ghost, Flying, Fighting, Fire, Poison, Bug, Dragon
Evolution: None

48. Name: Venonat
Type: Bug/Poison
Good Against: Grass, Psychic, Bug
Bad Against: Ghost, Flying, Fighting, Fire, Poison, Rock
Evolution: Venomoth at L.31

49. Name: Venomoth
Type: Bug/Poison
Good Against: Grass, Psychic, Bug
Bad Against: Ghost, Flying, Fighting, Fire, Poison, Rock
Evolution: None

50. Name: Diglett
Type: Ground
Good Against: Electric, Flying, Fire, Poison, Rock
Bad Against: Grass, Bug
Evolution: Dugtrio at L.26

51. Name: Dugtrio
Type: Ground
Good Against: Electric, Flying, Fire, Poison, Rock
Bad Against: Grass, Bug
Evolution: None

52. Name: Meowth
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: Persian at L.28

53. Name: Persian
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: None

54. Name: Psyduck
Type: Water
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: Golduck at L.33

55. Name: Golduck
Type: Water
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: None

56. Name: Mankey
Type: Fighting
Good Against: Normal, Ice, Rock
Bad Against: Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug
Evolution: Primeape at L.28

57. Name: Primeape
Type: Fighting
Good Against: Normal, Ice, Rock
Bad Against: Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug
Evolution: None

58. Name: Growlithe
Type: Fire
Good Against: Grass, Ice, Bug
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Evolution: Use Fire Stone to get Arcanine

59. Name: Arcanine
Type: Fire
Good Against: Grass, Ice, Bug
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Evolution: None

60. Name: Poliwag
Type: Water
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: Poliwhirl at L.25

Pokémon 1-30
Pokémon 61-90
Pokémon 91-120
Pokémon 121-151