Pokémon 121-151
121. Name: Starmie
Type: Water
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: None
122. Name: Mr. Mime
Type: Psychic
Good Against: Fighting, Poison
Bad Against: Psychic
Evolution: None
123. Name: Scyther
Type: Bug/Flying
Good Against: Grass, Psychic, Bug
Bad Against: Ghost, Flying, Fire, Electric, Rock
Evolution: None
124. Name: Jynx
Type: Ice/Psychic
Good Against: Grass, Ground, Flying, Rock, Dragon, Poison, Fighting
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Ice, Psychic
Evolution: None
125. Name: Electabuzz
Type: Electric
Good Against: Water, Flying
Bad Against: Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: None
126. Name: Magmar
Type: Fire
Good Against: Grass, Ice, Bug
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Evolution: None
127. Name: Pinsir
Type: Bug
Good Against: Grass, Psychic
Bad Against: Ghost, Flying, Fighting, Fire
Evolution: None
128. Name: Tauros
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock, Ghost
Evolution: None
129. Name: Magikarp
Type: Water
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: Gyarados at L.20
130. Name: Gyarados
Type: Water/Flying
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Fighting, Bug
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Dragon
Evolution: None
131. Name: Lapras
Type: Water/Ice
Good Against: Ground, Flying, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Ice
Evolution: None
132. Name: Ditto
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: None
133. Name: Eevee
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: Use Water Stone to get Vaporeon, Thunder Stone to get Jolteon, or Fire Stone to get Flareon.
134. Name: Vaporeon
Type: Water
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: None
135. Name: Jolteon
Type: Electric
Good Against: Water, Flying
Bad Against: Ground, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: None
136. Name: Flareon
Type: Fire
Good Against: Grass, Ice, Bug
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Evolution: None
137. Name: Porygon
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: None
138. Name: Omanyte
Type: Rock/Water
Good Against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, Rock
Bad Against: Fighting, Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: Omastar at L.40
139. Name: Omastar
Type: Rock/Water
Good Against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, Rock
Bad Against: Fighting, Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: None
140. Name: Kabuto
Type: Rock/Water
Good Against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, Rock
Bad Against: Fighting, Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: Kabutops at L.40
141. Name: Kabutops
Type: Rock/Water
Good Against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, Rock
Bad Against: Fighting, Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: None
142. Name: Aerodactyl
Type: Rock/Flying
Good Against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Grass, Bug
Bad Against: Electric, Rock, Ground
Evolution: None
143. Name: Snorlax
Type: Normal
Good Against: None
Bad Against: Rock
Evolution: None
144. Name: Articuno
Type: Ice/Flying
Good Against: Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon, Fighting, Bug
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Ice, Electric
Evolution: None
145. Name: Zapdos
Type: Electric/Flying
Good Against: Water, Flying, Fighting, Bug
Bad Against: Electric, Dragon, Rock
Evolution: None
146. Name: Moltres
Type: Fire/Flying
Good Against: Grass, Ice, Bug, Fighting
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon, Electric
Evolution: None
147. Name: Dratini
Type: Dragon
Good Against: Dragon
Bad Against: None
Evolution: Dragonair at L.30
148. Name: Dragonair
Type: Dragon
Good Against: Dragon
Bad Against: None
Evolution: Dragonite at L.55
149. Name: Dragonite
Type: Dragon/Flying
Good Against: Dragon, Grass, Fighting, Bug
Bad Against: Electric, Rock
Evolution: None
150. Name: Mewtwo
Type: Psychic
Good Against: Fighting, Poison
Bad Against: Psychic
Evolution: None
151. Name: Mew
Type: Psychic
Good Against: Fighting, Poison
Bad Against: Psychic
Evolution: None
Pokémon 1-30
Pokémon 31-60
Pokémon 61-90
Pokémon 91-120