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Pokémon 61-90

61. Name: Poliwhirl
Type: Water
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: Use Water Stone to get Poliwrath

62. Name: Poliwrath
Type: Water/Fighting
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock, Normal, Ice
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon, Ghost, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug
Evolution: None

63. Name: Abra
Type: Psychic
Good Against: Fighting, Poison
Bad Against: Psychic
Evolution: Kadabra at L.16

64. Name: Kadabra
Type: Psychic
Good Against: Fighting, Poison
Bad Against: Psychic
Evolution: Trade to get Alakazam

65. Name: Alakazam
Type: Psychic
Good Against: Fighting, Poison
Bad Against: Psychic
Evolution: None

66. Name: Machop
Type: Fighting
Good Against: Normal, Ice, Rock
Bad Against: Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug
Evolution: Machoke at L.28

67. Name: Machoke
Type: Fighting
Good Against: Normal, Ice, Rock
Bad Against: Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug
Evolution: Trade to get Machamp

68. Name: Machamp
Type: Fighting
Good Against: Normal, Ice, Rock
Bad Against: Poison, Flying, Psychic, Bug
Evolution: None

69. Name: Bellsprout
Type: Grass/Poison
Good Against: Water
Bad Against: Fire, Poison, Flying, Dragon, Ghost
Evolution: Weepinbell at L.21

70. Name: Weepinbell
Type: Grass/Poison
Good Against: Water
Bad Against: Fire, Poison, Flying, Dragon, Ghost
Evolution: Use Leaf Stone to get Victreebel

71. Name: Victreebel
Type: Grass/Poison
Good Against: Water
Bad Against: Fire, Poison, Flying, Dragon, Ghost
Evolution: None

72. Name: Tentacool
Type: Water/Poison
Good Against: Fire, Bug
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Dragon, Poison, Ghost
Evolution: Tentacruel at L.30

73. Name: Tentacruel
Type: Water/Poison
Good Against: Fire, Bug
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Dragon, Poison, Ghost
Evolution: None

74. Name: Geodude
Type: Rock/Ground
Good Against: Fire, Ice, Electric, Poison, Rock, Flying
Bad Against: Fighting, Ground, Grass
Evolution: Graveler at L.25

75. Name: Graveler
Type: Rock/Ground
Good Against: Fire, Ice, Electric, Poison, Rock, Flying
Bad Against: Fighting, Ground, Grass
Evolution: Trade to get Golem

76. Name: Golem
Type: Rock/Ground
Good Against: Fire, Ice, Electric, Poison, Rock, Flying
Bad Against: Fighting, Ground, Grass
Evolution: None

77. Name: Ponyta
Type: Fire
Good Against: Grass, Ice, Bug
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Evolution: Rapidash at L.40

78. Name: Rapidash
Type: Fire
Good Against: Grass, Ice, Bug
Bad Against: Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Evolution: None

79. Name: Slowpoke
Type: Water/Psychic
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock, Fighting, Poison
Bad Against: Dragon, Water, Electric, Grass, Psychic
Evolution: Slowbro at L.37

80. Name: Slowbro
Type: Water/Psychic
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock, Fighting, Poison
Bad Against: Dragon, Water, Electric, Grass, Psychic
Evolution: None

81. Name: Magnemite
Type: Electric
Good Against: Water, Flying
Bad Against: Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: Magneton at L.30

82. Name: Magneton
Type: Electric
Good Against: Water, Flying
Bad Against: Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: None

83. Name: Farfetch'd
Type: Normal/Flying
Good Against: Grass, Fighting, Bug
Bad Against: Rock, Electric
Evolution: None

84. Name: Doduo
Type: Normal/Flying
Good Against: Grass, Fighting, Bug
Bad Against: Rock, Electric
Evolution: Dodrio at L.31

85. Name: Dodrio
Type: Normal/Flying
Good Against: Grass, Fighting, Bug
Bad Against: Rock, Electric
Evolution: None

86. Name: Seel
Type: Water
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: Dewgong at L.34

87. Name: Dewgong
Type: Water/Ice
Good Against: Ground, Rock, Flying
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Ice
Evolution: None

88. Name: Grimer
Type: Poison
Good Against: Grass, Bug
Bad Against: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost
Evolution: Muk at L.38

89. Name: Muk
Type: Poison
Good Against: Grass, Bug
Bad Against: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost
Evolution: None

90. Name: Shellder
Type: Water
Good Against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against: Water, Electric, Grass, Dragon
Evolution: Use Water Stone to get Cloyster

Pokémon 1-30
Pokémon 31-60
Pokémon 91-120
Pokémon 121-151