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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Pikachu, I See you!
Issue: 1
Title: Pikachu, I See You
Series: The Electric Tale of Pikachu
Released: November, 1998
Published by: Viz Communications

The story starts out with Ash at home with his mother, all of a sudden there is a black out. Ash thinks there is something in the wall and it turns out to be everyone's favorite yellow electric rodent, Pikachu, chewing on the houses electrical wires. Ash not knowing of Pikachu's electric personality is shocked again and again, until he finally catches the tried pokemon by its tail. His mom instructs him to dump it off in the woods.
On his way he sees his rival, Gary. Gray is showing off his new pokemon, pokedex, and license, also he puts Ash down for all of his bragging about being in the SUPERBALL, a big pokemon tournament like our super bowl, and how he does not have a license. Later that day Ash passes the pokemon test and is given a license.

A week later Ash and Pikachu are off. Pikachu is still not happy about being Ash's pokemon. Ash is about to try to catch a Pidgey, but Pikachu is gone. Ash chases Pikachu all the way to Viridian City where Jenny stops him after Pikachu all most fries the entire town. Gary being a jerk as usual shows Ash he has six pokemon and Ash has one.

The next day ash is sent off by May, Gary's sister who Ash has a crush on, and his mom. On his way Misty shows up and tells him he has almost no chance of becoming a Pokemon Master, but Ash says to her what does she know. When they leave Misty, Pikachu runs off looking for Misty, but a group of Spearows is his reward and he is beaten up bad. Then a Fearow comes and wants to protect its Spearow friends. The rest is just like the episode Ash steals Misty's bike and Pikachu save them both after Ash shows his dedication to Pikachu, but there is one main difference. Ash actually catches the Fearow. The next thing we see is Pikachu fainted, but do not weep for Pikachu they make it to the pokemon center all right.

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