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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Stadium City
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Pokémon comics!!!

Ash Ketchum [Satoshi]
Ash is the main character, He's very ambitious, loves Pokemon, and has a heart of gold(maybe?). Sometimes, he can be off which will get him and his friends in some troubles along the way, but he's a great trainer...

Brock [Takeshi]
He was the former Pewter City gym leader until he lost to Ash and now has joined him. Destined to become the world's best Pokemon Breeder, he travels with Ash, gaining experience along the way. He helps out in many problems, and proves valuable to Ash. Overall, a well rounded person...

Misty [Kasumi]
Also a former gym leader, she strives to become one of the best water pokemon trainers. She's also afraid of bugs, a red head, and ill-tempered. After losing her bike because of Ash, she tends to stick around until he repays her. Her hometown in Cerulean City, and she has 3 sisters there who run the gym (in the show). Watch out for her, she'll prove to be somewhat worthy...

Team Rocket
Team Rocket is a heartless society of Pokémon trainers bent on controlling all Pokémon and, ultimately, the world. Jesse and James are two prominent members of Team Rocket who work with their mischievous Meowth to prevent Ash from reaching his goal...

Gary Oak [Shigeru Orchid]
Gary is Ash's rival. Although he's a really good Pokemon trainer, he's vain, self-centered, and heartless. Look, he has his own cheerleading squad! His pokemon are powerful and plentiful. He doesn't really care about his surroundings, just himself. Undoubtfully, at first, he was Pallet's best Pokemon trainer, but times have changed, and so has he...

Tracey [Kenji]
One of the newest characters. He's a Pokemon watcher that happened to show up just after Brock left... Anyways, his dream is to meet Professor Oak, which he is amazed to meet someone that knows him...

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