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Pokémon comics!!!

Clefairy Tales
Issue: 2
Title: Clefairy Tales
Series: The Electric Tale of Pikachu
Released: December, 1998
Published by: Viz Communications

For everyone reading this remember, this does NOT follow the game time line. This is very important to remember.

The comic starts off with Ash and everyone's favorite rodent, Pikachu, trying to escape some Mankeys. Ash, in trying to save himself, sends out Fearow to attack them. Then Ash orders Pikachu to attack the Mankeys with a Thunder Shock. This causes a big problem for Ash. This sends a Mankey into a Beedrill hive, and you can guess that the Beedrills are not happy.

Next scene we see is Ash at a Pokémon Center. He is complaining that his level does not go up, that is what badges are for, and Joy tells him that he caught rank D Pokémon, common ones. Just then Giselle, from episode nine "School Of Hard Knocks", is showing off that she caught a rank A Pokémon. Ash, feeling that this rank and level stuff is dumb thinks about returning home, especially to May's pies, but he knows that if he does Gary will never let him forget it.

Ash decides to go find some rank A Pokémon. He goes in to town looking for secret stuff so he can beat Gary. Ash enters a shop, and a weird man offers him a map to find a Clefairy, but the cost is out of Ash's range so he trades his Mankey for the map.

Ash sets off for Mt. Moon and after many days of being lost he finally finds a Clefairy. Clefairy being shy runs away with Ash and Pikachu following. This is one smart Pokémon, Clefairy tricks Ash into running into an Onix nest. With an angry Onix chasing him Ash does something he hardly does on the show, he uses his brain. He notes that Poison and Electric attacks would not be effective and Fearow's wing span is too large for the tunnel, so he sends out Butterfree (Caterpie evolves after his battle with Brock; then to Butterfree after the fight with Misty), and has it use confusion. This backfires and makes the Onix confused and in this state it brings down the tunnel.

When Ash and Pikachu awake they see what they think is a giant killer cannibal Clefairy. This is only Professor Oak. Oak tells Ash that he did not save him, the Clefairy did by using its Metronome. Ash then hugs this Pokémon in a cute scene. Then Oak tells him about when he set out on his journey. While this is going on Bill comes. Oak had sent him for a camera to record the evolution festival. Bill tells Ash that he was the one who discovered the colony.

Later that night it is time and the humans part is to give the Clefairy the stones so they will evolve. Ash present his stone to the Clefairy that saved him. Then all at the festival watch as the Clefables fly away. That morning as Ash is about to leave Oak and Bill give him a Pokédex upgrade.

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