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Play Misty For Me
Issue: 3
Title: Play Misty For Me
Series: The Electric Tale of Pikachu
Released: January, 1999
Published by: Viz Communications

Ash is writing to May and telling her about his 4 Pokémon: Pikachu, Fearow, Caterpie, and Pidgeotto. Misty walks over and tells Ash that she thinks Ash has a thing for older women. Ash tells Misty, a 12 year-old, that he does not like tomboys; this causes her to go ballistic and tells him the cost of the bike 10,000 yen. Ash says that he will pay her back when he is rich, and he and Pikachu make their escape.

Ash, at the Pewter City Gym, battles Brock in a 3 on 3 no holds bar battle. Pikachu, Fearow, and Caterpie win. After that Ash and his Pokémon are snacking and Misty wants to know the names of the Pokémon, Jean Luc Pikachu, Fearless Fearow, Walter Pidgeotto, and before Ash could tell Misty the Caterpie's name, which was Felix the Cat-erpie, that was Misty's joke not mine, Felix evolves into Metapod. Ash tries to get Pikachu to evolve too and Pikachu wants to, but he can't without a Thunderstone.

The next day Ash leaves on a bus for Cerulean City thinking that the next badge would be easy. Misty thinks that she'll teach him something. At the gym Ash can't find the gym trainer. Enter the three Sisters, they are not air heads like in episode 7 "Water Flowers Of Cerulean City", Daisy, Violet, an Lily. If you want to figure out who is who their hair color matches the flower they're named after.

As they head toward the battle area Misty pops up and tells him that she is also one of the Gym Masters at Cerulean City Gym. When they get there Ash is upset because he has no water Pokémon but ends up staring at Misty's curves, and Misty hits Ash with a Shellder and the challenge starts. A Gyarados pops up and steals Ash's hat. Misty tells Ash that the challenge is to get his hat back only using his Pokémon. Here Ash's luck goes down hill. Pikachu is to scared of Gyarados, Fearow is asleep, Pidgeotto is not there, and all Metapod can do is harden. Misty takes this time to rub his defeat in Ash's face.

While this is happening Metapod cracks and lets out Butterfree, remember from my second review when this came up. Ash again uses his brain and calls for a sleep powder on Gyarados. Then Ash sends Pikachu to get the hat, but Misty plays dirty and tosses a doughnut, Pikachu's favorite food. This gives Ash an idea. He hits the hat with a dumpling with soy sauce. Fearow sweeps down to get the food and grabs the hat too, rewarding Ash with the Cascade Badge. When he is hugging Butterfree he gets sleeping powder on him and passes out. Misty complains that if they give Ash the badge their gym will lose it reputation. Daisy says sometimes taking advantage of luck also makes a master.

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