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Pokémon comics!!!

Haunting My Dreams
Issue: 3
Title: Haunting My Dreams
Series: The Electric Tale of Pikachu
Released: February, 1999
Published by: Viz Communications

Welcome to the last comic in "The Electric Tale Of Pikachu" comic set, but don't worry there will be more. This one starts off with Ash and the rodent you either love to death or hate with a vengeance, Pikachu, finally getting to the Saffron City Pokémon Gym, which is not even in Saffron go figure, and both are completely wiped out. Luckily for Ash, Sabrina finds him and nurses him back to heath by feeding him. She tells Ash that she had a premonition that a handsome young challenger was on his way. It seems like she is flirting with Ash, this Sabrina is nice unlike the Anime crazed Sabrina.

Right after this Brock walks in to visit Sabrina. Brock thinks that getting a badge is not the only reason Ash is here, but the weird thing is that Brock has no reaction to Sabrina. Ash and Sabrina head to the arena and start to battle. Ash is confused by why Sabrina sent out Abra, who is sleeping right now. Ash sends out Pikachu and whenever Pikachu tries to attack Abra teleports out of the way, and with the last Thunder Pikachu fires, Abra sends it back with Confusion.

When the match is over they all get something to eat, but this meal is interrupted by a phone call for Sabrina. This phone call really upsets her, and Sabrina leaves abruptly.

One week later Sabrina appears in the hospital. Three weird people tell Ash and Brock that Sabrina has fallen prey to the Dream Eater attack, instead of eating dreams it eats your soul. The strangers also say that this was caused by The Black Fog, a high level Haunter, who prays on people and Pokémon, but nobody does much about it because they think it is like a hurricane which can't be stopped.

There are still some people who will not give up fighting it and Sabrina is one of these people. Sabrina uses her Psychic power to tell the group where to go: Lavender Town. Brock tells Ash that to help Sabrina they first must defeat the Black Fog. Ash thinks that he can catch the Black Fog with a gigantic Pokéball.

Next they are at the Pokémon Tower. The strangers go in first to distract the Gastlys that hand out around Black Fog, so Ash and Brock will have a better chance of beating Black Fog. Ash throws a rock at Black Fog and it hits it meaning it is solid. This means fighting and normal attacks will effect it. Ash and Brock go all out sending out all of their Pokémon. When Black Fog uses Night Shade Fearow uses Mirror Move to reflect it, but the Black Fog uses another attack while it was using its Night Shade. It fired Dream Eater and sends all Pokémon back to their balls except for Pikachu. Black Fog goes after Abra, it followed Ash and Brock as Sabrina's eyes and ears.

Pikachu uses Agility to save Abra and lead Black Fog to the giant Pokéball. Black Fog was in the process of being caught, but from within the ball it used Explosion and got out. Now the fog is weak, maybe enough to use a regular Pokéball. Abra channels Sabrina and she tells the boys where to go.

They enter the lower areas of the tower, and as soon as they get to the Black Fog's hiding place Black Fog starts attacking. Abra attaches itself to Pikachu and keeps teleporting around while Pikachu uses Thunder on Black Fog. After a time of doing this Ash throws a Hyperball at Black Fog, but before it hits the Black Fog uses Selfdestruct. Sabrina wakes up since Black Fog is defeated and comes to rescue Ash, Pikachu, and Abra from the collapsing building. Then Brock tells Ash that maybe the reason the Black Fog attacked people because it was accustomed to being treated like a god and wanted that back. Thinking about this horrible thing that happened, Sabrina starts to cry, and Ash starts to cry too, only because the Hyperball he used was paid for with the last of his money.

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