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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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As always, our heroes are lost as they try to find their way into Vermilion City. A quick narration informs us that Ash has gotten two badges and six pokémon: Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. These are feats that Ash is proud of....too proud of, in Misty's opinion, as she puts him down. Brock says that by this time, most pokémon trainers have 20 or 30 pokémon. Ash vows to "show them" and runs past the group. He finds himself at the beach in front of a beautiful sunset. But what catches his eye is a Krabby walking around. Dexter points out that this Krabby is quite smaller than a normal one, and the Krabby gets so offended that it pinches Ash's finger with its claws. Ash uses a stick to battle the Krabby and then throws a pokéball which does capture the Krabby. However, as he holds his Krabby in triumph, the pokéball disappears right from his hands. Wondering what happened, Misty and Brock run up explaining that a trainer can only carry six pokémon at a time. At any time, Ash can call back Krabby pushing a white button on his pokédex. They also point out that Krabby is now at the place where Ash got his pokédex: in other words, Professor Oak's lab. Ash wants to get to a phone in order to call and find out how his Krabby is doing. Misty, however, wants to find a place where they can sleep, since she is tired of sleeping outdoors. Just then, Pikachu points to a distant lighthouse, and they head over there. They reach it by nightfall, and up close, they see that the lighthouse is scary looking with pokémon designs all over it. They ring the bell and a voice comes over the intercom asking what they want. Ash wants to use the phone, Misty wants to use the bed, but it is Brock wanting to cook that convinces the keeper to let them into the lighthouse (since his cook left and he only knows how to cook tofu). As they enter, Team Rocket shows up and sees that they have finally reached the lighthouse of Bill, the famous pokémon researcher. Rare and unusual pokémon are sure to be stored there. They have a choice of going up the path or climbing the dangerous cliff side. But, of course, they choose the cliff side in order to sneak in. Meanwhile, Ash finds a phone inside the darkened lighthouse and calls Professor Oak, who's cooking tofu (because his cook is also out of town). Ash asks to see his Krabby and it is doing fine, although is it MUCH smaller than the Krabby Gary caught, as Professor Oak shows through the vid-phone. He also informs Ash that Gary has caught over 45 pokémon while Ash has only 7. Ash feels downtrodden, as Prof. Oak asks where they are calling from. Ash tells him a lighthouse, and he realizes that they are at Bill's Lighthouse - a pokémon researcher who knows more than Oak does.


Oak asks Bill to teach Ash a thing or two, and Bill agrees. The lights come on and we see a Kabuto (an extinct pokémon) addressing himself as Bill. The gang freaks out until they realize it's a costume, which Ash helps Bill out of. The costume's purpose was to help Bill think what extinct pokémon were like. Bill goes on to talk about how there are thousands of pokémon that have existed but they only know of 150. He thoroughly believes that if we can understand the pokémon better, we can live with them in harmony. Bill takes the group up to the top of the lighthouse to show his latest project: trying to contact a mysterious large pokémon. Awhile back, Bill had heard a pokémon call and tried to communicate with it. He then turns on his lighthouse speakers with a call he believes is a friendly greeting. All of a sudden, a shadowed giant walks out of the water. (To me it looks like a huge Dragonite). It tries to communicate with the lighthouse, until Team Rocket fires bazookas at it. Enraged, the pokémon destroys the lighthouse as Ash and company try to escape. Team Rocket keeps firing in hopes of weakening the pokémon, but the pokémon simply knocks them away with its tail and leaves with almost a woeful cry. Bill is sadden, but vows to stay at the lighthouse to wait for it to return again. He wants Ash to find and capture new pokémon, and with fond farewells, our heroes take off again.

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