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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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After a brief re-cap, Ash recovers and wakes up Misty and Brock. They then realize that Pikachu is missing and Ash only has two pokémon left. Meanwhile, Team Rocket gets another more brutal awakening (this time at the pincers of a Krabby) and are happy they survived. However, they soon realize that Meowth is gone as well as their Ekans and Koffing. They see a telephone booth nearby (on the beach? yeah right!), but they have no money to call someone. Elsewhere on the island, Pikachu finds Ash's pokéballs and releases Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. As the pokémon talk in their pokémon language, there is a subtitle translation that clues us in on what's going on. Everyone is okay, and they decide to look for Ash. They find a Slowpoke sitting on a rock right on the beach and try to ask it for directions. However, it does not answer and simply dips its tail into the water. So, they have to go off on their own and look for their master as night falls. As they discuss what could have happened to their master, Meowth over hears them and jumps out ordering Ekans and Koffing to go fight. However, they do nothing, claiming that Meowth is not their master and they only do what their masters tell them. The pokémon then tie Meowth up to a tree and have a dinner conversation. The two groups realize that they were both looking for their masters who have disappeared, but Bulbasaur interjects that they were probably abandoned. This saddens the Team Rocket pokémon, but Pikachu believes that both of their masters are looking for them. Suddenly, an HUGE Rhydon comes stampeding into their encampment. As the pokémon flee, only Pikachu saves the screaming Meowth who then shows no gratitude. Elsewhere, Ash, Brock, and Misty are running away from a gigantic Zapdos. After it flies away, they resolve to find a secure place to sleep, since this island is dangerous. Team Rocket is having no better luck as a giant Moltress is chasing them. They, however, run into a sign and pass out. The next morning, the pokémon and their masters resume their search except for Jesse and James who run back to the phone booth and make a collect call to the Boss. However, they annoyingly insist on saying their motto, and the Boss hangs up on them. Jesse then decides they should pull the phone cable, thus dragging the phone booth back to the source where they are bound to find help, allowing them to be protected by the booth. Suddenly, they see Pikachu in the distance and rush out to grab it with the cable. But it turns out to be a 30 foot Pikachu that crushes the booth as Team Rocket runs away.


Meanwhile, Ash is having his own problem with a giant Charizard, while Pikachu and the others try to communicate with their giant elder siblings. Squirtle tries to talk to a giant Blastoise, but it just chases them off. We then see Team Rocket running along some rail tracks away from a Kabutops. They reach a mine cart and jump in to get away faster. Unfortunately, the cart goes back the way they came and the cable effectively drags the Kabutops with it. They try to stop it, but the brake breaks. Ash and company cross a bridge as they confront a gigantic Pikachu. But before they can do anything, the bridge gives way and they fall right into the runaway mine cart that is now dragging Kabutops and Pikachu. As they race along the track, they finally see their pokémon in the distance, and with the help of a vertical loop, the cart slows down enough to allow the pokémon to reunite with their master. Unfortunately, by this time the cable breaks and the cart is sent flying into the air. It crashes into the Zapdos revealing that the gigantic pokémon were all mechanical, and as the group splashes into the water, a boat decorated as a Gyarados informs its passengers that this is Pokémon Land - a theme park where we can see pokémon at ten times their normal size. Unfortunately, with the destruction, the park had to be closed, much to the dismay of the Boss who created Pokémon Land. Later, Ash and his friends arrive at Porta Vista (Note:Aopulco in Japan) in order to rest and relax. In the end, we see the Slowpoke on the beach evolve into Slowbro.

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