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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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This episode was banned in the United States/Canada etc. because of its crude content. James was wearing a girls costume, with oversized breasts. Aswell was Jesse. The reason for it was so that they would get a higher rank in the contest. US Censors probably thought that Jesse and James using sex to get something they wanted would be a bad influence on the viewers of Pokemon.

This episode was later dubbed into "Beauty and the Beach", which cut out the scenes mentioned above.

Ash and co. are in Aopuruko (or Puerto Vista, in the dub), and look forward to a few days' vacation. Ash and Brock go for a dip in the ocean, and catch sight of Misty, who's wearing a bikini.
Ash: "Wow, Misty, you actually look like a girl!"(hehe)
Ash gets slaped.

The trio rents a boat, and takes it out for a spin. They realize too late that they didn't actually rent the boat, each person left it up to someone else to pay for it. The Rockets are nearby, in their Mecha Gyarados, a pedal-powered submarine. Ash co. plows into them with their stolen yacht, and both vehicles go spiraling out of control.

Ash and co. crash into the dock, and run into the boat's owner, who is furious. Ash lets Misty do the talking, since she's the one with the bikini(oh). She apologizes, and they offer to work for him until they've paid for the damage.
The Rockets end up beached, and are approached by an old woman, Obaba.

The Rockets are frightened. At any rate, they're trespassing on her beach; and since they're wanted criminals, they don't want to get in any trouble over that. They offer to work for her, so she won't have them arrested.

Ash co. and the Rockets end up working at competing restaurants. Over at "Obaba's Beach House", the Rockets have no trouble drawing in customers. "Ryuu's Ocean House", the restaurant Ash is working at, isn't doing as well. Ash sends out his Pokémon to help. Pikachu and Squirtle hand out flyers, Charmander and Pidgeotto cook, Bulbasaur waits tables. The Rockets send out Meowth, who blows away the flyers, ruins the food, and trips the waiters.

Ryuu is at a loss. He's always wanted to be a great chef, but Obaba is out to ruin his dreams. Ash tells him not to give up, explaining that he's had some tough times as a Pokémon Trainer, but was never discouraged. Ryuu agrees with Ash, but isn't sure how he'll drum up business. At that moment, Ash hears a familiar voice ring from the doorway. It's... Professor Oak! And Ash's mother! Together! They've come to see the "Beautiful Girl and Disguised Pokémon Contest" Ryuu decides to sponsor the contest, hoping it will draw in customers.

It's the day of the contest, and a huge crowd has gathered. Brock is the announcer, Ash is a spectator. Misty is the first contestant. She walks up and down the stage in her bikini, amidst the crowd's cheers. Her Pokémon are Squirtle and Starmie, and they're disguised as a UFO.


She's booted off the stage by the next contestants, the Team Rocket Heart Warmers. Yes, there are two of 'em. Yes, they're both wearing bikinis. Misty jumps to her feet, and says the first thing that comes to mind,
"Isn't James a boy?!?"
James responds by shaking his chest in her direction.
"In eight years you'll have these."

The Rockets' Pokémon are Ekans and Koffing , and they're disguised as a sheik. Something bizarre, at any rate. The crowd cheers for the Heart Warmers, who look not too much unlike Playboy Bunnies, until they too are booted from the stage.

It's Gary!. Ash is enraged, as he usually is when Gary's around. He feels that Gary should be disqualified, because he doesn't have a disguised Pokémon. Not that the crowd cares. Or Brock, for that matter. Misty, Jessie, and James go backstage to sulk.

Obaba is annoyed by the attention that Ryuu's restaurant is receiving, and drags the Rockets from the contest. She grumpily informs them that she's aware of their involvement with the Rocket Gang. The Rockets panic, still afraid that she'll have them arrested. As it turns out, she's repaired the Mecha Gyarados, and wants them to ruin Ryuu's contest (and reputation) for her. The Rockets are all too happy to oblige. (they get a bonus for doing it)

The Rockets drive the Mecha Gyarados up onto the beach, and into the crowd. Ash tries to calm the spectators, telling them that it isn't a real Gyarados. The Rockets get mad at Ash, and fire missiles at him. Gary calmly asks Ash what he intends to do. Ash sends out Pidgeotto and Charmander. Pidgeotto flies Charmander to the missile, and Charmander hits it with Flamethrower. The missile's guidance systems go all screwy, and it's turned back toward the Rockets. The Rockets try to outrun it, but end up crashing into Obaba's restaurant. Everything goes BOOM!

With the money generated by the contest, Ryuu is able to fix his boat. He says goodbye to Ash co., and continues on his quest to become a great chef. Ash is glad to see his mother again, but knows that he must leave her, and continue his Trainer Journey. Both she and Professor Oak realize that he's grown during the course of his trip, and are proud of him.

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