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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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We find Ash and his friends waiting for the ferry to take them off the island and back to the main land. As they wait by the docks, they see an injured Horsea who spits ink on the water drawing a picture of what looks to be a Tentacool and Tentacruel. Misty is about to catch it so they can take care of its wounds when suddenly, a boat explodes in the bay. Misty sends out her water pokémon to save the sailors who look to be paralyzed and ask to be taken to the boss. Their boss turns out to be this old woman named Nastina. She is trying to build a great hotel resort in the bay right in the middle of the beautiful coral reef. However, she tells the gang that despicable Tentacools are disrupting the construction. She will gladly give a reward of one million dollars to the three of them if they get rid of the pesky pokémon. Ash and Brock seem interested, but Misty flatly refuses. She takes offense at how Nastina thinks the Tentacools should be simply exterminated and leaves, taking Ash and Brock with her. The guys ask Misty why she was so angry, and she explains that Nastina has no respect for the ocean or the pokémon inside of it. One simply can't just exterminate the Tentacools - "they look so cute!" argues Misty, but Ash and Brock are not fond of the idea of hugging a squishy jellyfish. They decide to go back and get the Horsea so that they can take care of it. It isn't seen, but somehow Misty heals the Horsea and puts it in an inflatable pool with Pikachu. Horsea tries to explain that something is wrong when all of a sudden, Nastina announces all over the town of Porta Vista her offer of the million dollar reward for exterminating the Tentacool. A mob of people rush past our heroes to take up the offer, but it is the infamous Team Rocket who get the job. Nastina is in a tank ready for battle, but believes Team Rocket will be able to finish off the Tentacool, so she lets them go. As they drive past in their boat, they plan to get rid of the Tentacools by using their stun sauce on the Tentacools and capturing them all. Unfortunately, their boat is stopped all of a sudden by thousands of Tentacools - too many for the amount of sauce they have. As they scream in horror, one Tentacool fires a laser from its red spot and destroys the boat, causing the barrel containing the stun sauce to land on the Tentacool. Mysteriously, this causes the Tentacool to evolve into a gigantic 30 foot Tentacruel (which are normally only 7 feet). Nastina begins to fire on it with her tank, so the Tentacruel sends a huge tidal wave into Porta Vista causing everyone to evacuate to higher ground. They watch in terror as Tentacruel with the help of hundreds of Tentacools demolish the buildings. Team Rocket has been washed away, except for Meowth who is under mind control from the Tentacruel, enabling the Tentacruel to speak in human through Meowth. It explains that they are taking revenge for the humans attempted destruction of their home (from the construction of the hotel) and will destroy the human's home. The Horsea Misty was taking care of tries to reason with Tentacruel, but the Tentacruel knocks him away. Ash uses Pidgeotto to save Horsea and gives it to Misty.


Then, Pikachu wants to fight the Tentacruel, and so a huge battle begins with Ash, Misty, and Brock sending their pokémon to get rid of the Tentacools. They do a good job until the giant Tentacruel stops them. Pikachu then comes up and tries to reason with the Tentacruel. It does not appear to be working, until Misty climbs to the top of a tower and promises that the humans do understand what they did and are sorry and will never do it again. Tentacruel believes her and starts to leave (tossing Meowth aside). However, Nastina pops up from under some rubble and tries to destroy the Tentacruel. Misty scolds at her saying that her actions are hurting the pokémon AND the humans. Nastina then gets knocked away by the Tentacruel and lands over in Aopulco where her cousin (who looks like her is repairing a building. So as our heroes sail back to the mainland, they have a new appreciation for the ocean, and Misty has a new pokémon: Horsea.

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