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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Ash co. heads to Lavender Town, so Ash can capture a Ghost Pokémon, which he needs to defeat Sabrina. They arrive at Pokémon Tower, which is believed to be infested with the critters. Unbeknownst to them, Team Rocket is already inside the tower, lying in wait... The Rockets fall through some rotted floorboards, and get spooked by a Gastly. Ash co. hears their screams emanating from inside, and begins to wonder, if coming to the tower was such a good idea. They proceed inside, and are attacked by a Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar. Terrified, the group flees the building. Although he is frightened, Ash knows that he must capture a Ghost Pokémon. Pikachu accompanies him, as does Charmander. Brock and Misty hang back. Inside the tower, Ash hears a noise coming from a hole in the floor. Thinking it's a ghost, he has Pikachu and Charmander attack it. After Thundershocking and Flamethrowering the creature into submission, Ash throws a Pokéball into the hole-- and catches Jessie. While she sulks about getting hit by the Pokéball, Ash is accosted by a real ghost, the Haunter. He has Charmander attack, but Haunter easily defeats it. At first, Ash is afraid of the ghost, but he soon realizes that it's only playing around. Haunter and Gengar put on a show for Ash, hitting each other on the head with halisens, then turn to leave. Ash rushes at the ghosts, not wanting to lose them; but trips, and gets crushed by a falling chandelier.


Haunter removes Ash and Pikachu's spirits from their bodies, and they go flying around for a bit. Meanwhile, Brock and Misty are getting worried about Ash, and they decide to check on him. They find Ash and Pikachu, lifeless, under the chandelier. Ash sees that his friends care for him, so he and Pikachu return to their bodies, much to Brock and Misty's relief. The group leaves the tower empty-handed, as Ash notes that the ghosts can't be captured. When they turn around, they see Haunter following them! Ash is overjoyed, and asks if Haunter will help him battle Sabrina. Back at the tower, Gastly and Gengar are having fun with their new "friends", Team Rocket...

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