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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Ash and the group go back to Saffron City ready to try again for the Marsh badge in the gym. Ash asks Haunter for help to defeat Sabrina and Haunter agrees. When they arrive at the gym, Haunter has disappeared. Sabrina turns Brock and Misty into dolls and the mysterious man who turns out to be Sabrina's father saves Ash and Pikachu. Later on, Ash finds Haunter having ruined another plan of Team Rockets' and Ash goes back to the gym. Haunter disappears again and this time Sabrina won't let them leave.

Pikachu agrees to fight anyway and just as the match begins, Haunter appears in front of Sabrina. Haunter plays a few jokes on Sabrina and she starts to laugh for the first time since she began training. Kadabra's mind still linked to Sabrina, he starts laughing too and Pikachu is declared the winner. Ash and the group leave Sabrina, her father, and Haunter and continue on their way as Ash has the Marsh badge.

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