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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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In Celadon City, Ash and friends follow there noses to a perfume shop. Ash doesn't like perfume because he thinks it smells bad and turns men into zombies, much like Brock was at this time. He gets thrown out of the shop and goes to the Gym, but they won't let him in because he doesn't like perfume (which just happens to be manufactured in this very gym(Gloom Gloom!! ) and stamps a big, red "X" on his face. While Ash gripes Team Rocket climbs in thru the window to steal the perfume's secret ingredients and make a bundle selling them. Inside, James finds and awakens a napping Gloom (Oddish's second stage of evolution (Gloom!! Gloom!!).

James's Koffing poison gases the Gloom, but the plant Pokémon just inhales it and lets off a malodious odor of its own. The stink is excrutiating, even to Meowth (who wasn't drawn with a nose), leaving Team Rocket open to being wacked with mallets, having big, red X's stamped on their faces, and being strung up in a tree. Jesse offers Ash a plan to get in the gym if he gets them down. They dress Ash up like a girl and disguise themsleves as "Ashley's" parents and enroll him, uh, her, in the gym. While one of the trainers shows "Ashley" around, Team Rocket removes their disguises as the search the gym and has Meowth plant a bomb. "Ashley" asks to see Erika, the Gym Leader, who turns out to be the manager of the perfume shop! She's reading a story to a group of trainers, including Misty and Brock. He hopes the don't regonize him, which they don't, but Pikachu does! While "Ashley" tries to do his best to dupe his friends, Pikachu walks up and hugs his leg. He tries to kick him off, but Pikachu shocks him and the wig burns off. Ash admits to dressing up as a girl to challenge Erika, and Erika decides to accept the challenge.


First up is Tangela (a mess of vines with feet), and Ash sends in Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur grabs Tangela with the vine whip, but Tangela reels him in and sprays him with stun spore. Erika offers to give Ash some Paralyz heal potion later, and Ash chooses Primeape, remembers the black eye he got from it, and releases Charmander. Erica's Weepinbell's razor leaf attack is useless against Charmander's full-force flame thrower, so she sends in Gloom. Erika tells Ash he can't be good trainer unless he has empathy with Pokémon, and Ash can't figure which Pokémon would hold up best against Gloom's rampant reek (which, in the wild, it only uses when threatened). Pikachu is up to the task, but Team Rocket cuts the match short when they leap in, blow themsleves to kingdom come, and escapes with the secret formula!

The explosion sets the gym on fire and all the Pokémon and trainers except Gloom escapes safely. Ash runs into the gym to save it. Ash finds Gloom in the arena, where it's been spewing its evil fumes for while. Ash holds his breath and rushes in. He tells Gloom he's here to save him, but Ash can't hold his breath any longer and falls to the ground. To his surprise, the odor's gone and he remembers that Erika said earlier that it won't produce a stench if it feels safe. Ash runs out with Gloom and, once the fire has been put out, is rewarded with the Rainbow Badge. And what about Team Rocket stealing the secret formula? It turns out they only stole one ingredient without knowing what it was: essence of Gloom!(okay!)

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