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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Our heroes decide to take a trip through the Safari Zone, where they figure they’ll be able to easily snag as many Pokémon as they want. What they don’t count on is the heavily armed and trigger-happy game warden, who draws his six-shooters at the slightest provocation. After staring down the business end of the warden’s magnum several times, Ash sets his sights on the mythical, legendary Dratini, a Pokémon that according to Professor Oak, is one of the most difficult to find creatures in existence. Team Rocket’s in the Zone too, though. Just as Ash and crew leave the warden’s station, Jesse challenges them to a winner-takes-all duel. Whichever side manages to grab the most booty in the Jungle Zone will get all of the loser’s Pokémon and Poké Balls. The game is on, and Pikachu hangs in the balance.


As soon as Ash and company head out Pokémon hunting, Team Pocket manages to get the drop on the warden. While James holds a gun to the warden’s head, Jesse begins interrogating him about the location of Dratini. The warden won’t break easily though, and Jesse is forced to use a handmade “tickle-bot” to pry the information out of the poor guy. Dratini, it turns out, can be found in a lake in the local Dinosaur Valley.

Ash and Company arrive just as Team Rocket chucks a time-bomb into the water to stun Dratini, who has proven harder to catch using conventional means. Ash dives in and manages to grab the bomb, but only reaches the surface after he’s saved by the titanic Dragonair, who tosses the dynamite back to Team Rocket just as it blows.

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