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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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As the gang approaches Mount Moon, they discuss the many legends of the moon stone that supposedly resides inside. Brock relates how the moon stone is believed to be a prehistoric meteor that crashed into the earth millions of years ago. Suddenly, the group hears a cry for help, and they run over to a cave entrance where a swarm of Zubats are attacking a human. Ash tells Pikachu to shock them all, and having done so the swarm rushes back inside the cave. The man is more than grateful and rants on in rhyme and poetry about how thankful he is to be alive. Ash asks who he is and he reveals in more talk that he is "Seymour the Scientist." As they walk into the cave, Seymour explains why the Zubat attacked him: someone has been stringing up lights all over the normally dark caves of Mt. Moon. This causes the pokémon to become confused, as Zubats leave the caves, Paras plant the mushrooms off their back, and Sandshrews dry out. The people responsible for this mess, Seymour continues, are probably in Mt. Moon to search for the moon stone. The rock is said to increase the power of one's pokémon. Seymour also believes that the moon stone is part of the vessel that brought pokémon to our world from outer space. He hopes to research it before others use the moon stone for evil purposes. Just then, a Clefairy hops by carrying a small moon stone. The Clefairy is a rare pokémon and Ash wants to catch it but Seymour won't let him. Ash understands, but suddenly, Clefairy cries out as Meowth is cornering it. They rush to stop him and soon meet up with the other members of Team Rocket. Team Rocket was the one who strung up all the lights and they are here to find the moon stone to power up their pokémon so that they can rule the world . Brock and Ash orders them to leave, and Ash tells Misty that as soon as Team Rocket is distracted, she should get Seymour and Clefairy out of there. As Ekans and Koffing are released into battle, Ash calls his Butterfree and Brock calls his...Zubat! When Pikachu shocked all of them before, Brock took the opportunity to catch one (an opportunity Ash wish he took). It is a long and tough fight, during which Misty and Seymour get away but Meowth follows them. In the end, Butterfree blows Jesse and James and their pokémon away, but Meowth is no where to be seen. Outside, Seymour and Misty are trying to follow Clefairy to protect it, but Meowth gets to him first. Clefairy jumps out of the way as the trio land in a brook. Meowth wants the moon stone Clefairy is holding, but Misty washes him off using her Staryu. As the day changes into night, the pokémon are eating some of Brock's specially made pokémon food (with him being an excellent cook, because he wants to be a great pokémon breeder).


Pikachu and Clefairy are talking and suddenly, Pikachu wants Ash and company to follow them into a secret cave entrance. Inside is the core of the moon stone, which Seymour feels is proof that pokémon are from outer space. Clefairy adds the moon stone he was holding to the core and suddenly the core glows as it absorbs the fragment in. Suddenly, lots of Clefairys emerge and begin to dance around. After a little problem getting Ash to understand what he is saying, Pikachu tells Ash that the Clefairy pray to the moon stone. Team Rocket shows up again and using Koffing's smoke screen, they steal the moon stone core. However, Brock sends Onix after them and stops them from getting away. As Ash is getting ready to fight them again, Clefairys come out and perform a metronome attack (which looks like Fissure) that blasts Team Rocket away. It also blasts the moon stone into a billion fragments which fall like rain. Some of the fragments hit Clefairy and they evolve into Clefables. Later, with the gathered fragments, Clefairys and Clefables are dancing around the moon stone and Seymour wants to live with them in hopes of returning to the stars with them one day. So, Ash and the others say good-bye and head off. Later, they find a road with a sign pointing to Cerulean City, and decide to go there, although Misty seems less than enthusiastic. On the sign is small note from Gary saying that he was here and Ash is a loser. Enraged, Ash is more than determined than ever to beat Gary and rushes off into the next adventure.

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