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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
Stadium City
Stadium City
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On the path to Cerulean City, Misty attempts to convince Ash not to go there. She claims Vermilion City would be much better, but Ash wants to get a badge and since there is a gym in Cerulean City, it is only logical that they go there. Brock agrees and Misty seems sad saying to herself, "I never thought I'd end up back here." The next day, Ash, Brock, and Pikachu walk into the city and notice that Misty is no longer with them. Brock consoles that Misty really didn't want to come here so maybe they'll meet up with her later. They then notice a group of people surrounding a machine store. As they wonder what's going on, Officer Jenny (the twin sister of the Officer Jenny in Viridian City) comes up and questions them, suspecting that they are criminals returning to the scene of the crime (which was the theft of a big vacuum. Fortunately, Ash has his pokédex, and Brock has his badge as ID. Officer Jenny apologizes and Brock offers her to make it up with dinner with him. And so it begins that Brock always puts the moves on a pretty woman. Typically, though, Officer Jenny puts him down saying he's too young for her and she disperses the crowd from the crime scene. Later, Ash asks Brock if he can offer any strategy advice to beat the gym leader, but Brock declines, saying that as a fellow gymleader, it wouldn't be right to reveal other's secrets. Ash thinks it's cool, and Brock leaves to "take care of some stuff." Ash makes it to the gym but finds a water show featuring The Three Sensational Sisters. After the show, he confronts them asking if this really is a gym and they say yes and that they are the gym leaders. They go on to explain that synchronized swimming is their hobby and that they do the show because their fans love it. After all, they are the world famous sensational sisters! Ash wants to battle them for a badge, but they complain that they don't want to fight. They had just fought three other trainers from Pallet and were forced to rush their Pokémon to the Pokémon Center. Now, all they have left to fight with is a Goldeen which they want to evolve into seaking because goldeen only knows horn-attack. Still, they know what Ash really wants and offers to give him a Cascade Badge.


Ash would rather earn it, and as he is about to reluctantly take the badge, Misty interrupts them all. She claims to be the fourth sensational sister, though she is put down by the other three. The three sisters explain that Misty wanted to leave the gym and never return until she was a better pokémon trainer.
They reasoned that she was just jealous of their good looks and talent, which makes Misty angry. So she says that if she beats Ash, that would prove how much better of a pokémon trainer she is. With no pokémon of their own, the sisters have to agree to let them battle. Ash tries to choose Pikachu, but Pikachu won't battle a friend so Ash chooses Butterfree. Misty chooses Staryu, and Butterfree is able to injure Staryu quite a bit. However, Staryu eventually tackles Butterfree into the water. Ash calls him back and releases Pidgeotto, so Misty calls back Staryu and brings out Starmie. After a few exchanges, Starmie's energy is almost out, but then Team Rocket interrupts with the super vacuum they stole to suck up all the water and the water pokémon. They suck up Pikachu and Ash tells him to use thunderbolt. Since water conducts electricity, Team Rocket gets fried and blasts off again. Though the battle wasn't completed, the sisters believed Ash deserves the badge, reasoning that if Pikachu had fought in the first place, Misty's water pokémon wouldn't have stood a chance. As they depart, Misty's sisters all say to her you know we love you. Brock joins up and the three head off into the sunset as Ash and Misty continue to argue over who would have won their match. Brock can only say, "oh brother," with a sigh.

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