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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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James is the second member of Team Rocket, and much more of his past has been shown on the series. He grew up in a rich family, and although he had a relitivly easy childhood, he had no control. He ran away from home after being engaged to Jessibel, a domineering woman who looks a great deal like Jesse. After running away, he joined the same Pokemon Tech as Jesse. He failed with one of the lowest scores ever after also staying up and partying the night before exams. From there, he joined the biker gang with Jesse. He was known as "Little Jim", and he was the only member of the gang that still needed training wheels to ride. This didn't seem to lower the gang's opinion of him, though.

He joined Team Rocket after the gang, and was paired with Jesse and Meowth. He seeks the control and power he never had, but money would be nice as well. He was called back to his estate with the news that his parents had died, but it turned out to be a trick. They informed him that he must marry his fiance' or be left out of the family fortune. Jesse and Meowth, tantalized by the promise of wealth, tried to convince James to marry Jessebel, then skip town with the cash. As it turned out, it wasn't that easy. Jesse immediatly started a training program on her hapless groom, involving whips and gym equipment. She had her pet Vilplume, which was an Oddish at the time James ran away, use Stun Spore to stop him from running away. He was rescued by Growlie, his childhood pet.
James Pictures
James's Stats
Eg. Name James
Jp. Name Kojiro
Age 17 yrs.
En. Voice Actor(s)Eric Stuart
Jp. Voice Actors(s)Miki Shinichiro

Jesse and Meowth, figuring James was happier with the money then with Team Rocket, left. Jesse was obviously upset, but suddenly James appeared in the Meowth balloon! He pulled Jesse into the balloon, but left Meowth running behind. This has been called the best episode ever by Rocketshippers. He can be swuave and evil if the situation calls for it, but often he's the frightened, nervous member of the group. He comes up with most of the plans. He acts very feminine sometimes, and even cross-dresses for some of the plans. He makes a suprisingly good woman. Though James was rich as a child, his most cherised possesion is his bottle cap collection. It's interesting that while he could have had anything he wanted, he loved something so common as bottle caps. And though he loved them, he was willing to give them up to help Meowth be happy. (Jesse and James throw change and bottlecaps to make Meowth worshippers think he was special.)
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