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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Ash:   *yawn* G'night Brock, g'night Pikachu, g'night Misty.   See ya in the morning.
Misty:   G'night, Ash.   Sweet dreams...

Out here in the quiet of the night,
Beneath the stars    and moon
We both know we've got somethin' on our minds
We won't admit,
But it's true

You look at me,    I look away.

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to say that
I love you.

I practice all the things that I could say
Line by line,    every word
I tell myself today could be the day
But every time,
I lose my nerve

I look at you,    you look away

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to say that
I love you.

Why?    Why do you turn away?
It must be,   you're afraid like me
(I try)   I try,    but I can't pretend that I
Don't feel for you   the way I do
Can't you see?

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to say that
I love you.

(I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I don't know how to start)   ...I wanna say...
(I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart)   ...that I'm afraid...
(Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?) ...of my love of you...
(I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to say that)
[Spoken:]   I love you.

Ash:   *yawn*   Did you say somethin', Misty?
Misty:   Me?   No, nothing.   I didn't say anything, Ash.   G'night...

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