
Into your life.
[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Stadium City
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Pokémon Openings

The English Pokemon Theme
I wanna be, the very best. Like no one ever was.
To catch them is my real test. To train them is my cause.
I will travel, across the land. Sarching far and wide
Each Pokemon, to understand, the power thats inside!
(Pokemon! Gotta catch em all!) Its you and me.
I know its my desteny! (Pokemon!)
Ooooohhh, your my best friend. In a world we must defend!
(Pokemon! Gotta catch em all!) Our hearts so true!
Our courage 'll pull us through!
You teach me and I'll teach you! PO-KAY-MON!
(Gotta catch em all!) Gotta catch em all! (POK-AY-MON)

Japanese Theme
I'll go through flames,floods, weeds, forests,
The soil, clouds, and under the skirt of the girl (Scream!)
And through here, through there..
And through here, through there..
A long, long road to go..
To get pocket monsters....
Good-by, my home....
I'm starting with the cute guy (Pikachu!)
Win and win with a trained ability,
Go to a new town with new friends
Success is not guaranteed
(A matter of course)
What's the matter?
You, monsters, always go all out
I'll go through flames, flood, weeds, forests
The soil, clouds, and under the skirt of the girl
(Forget it!)
And through here, through there
And through here, through there
A long, long road to go
To get pocket monsters
Tired, I say good night
I Close my eyes and am reminded (Pikachu?)
That through fanned flames and a storm,
Hearing you, monsters,
I battled.
Old days they said Yesterday's enemy is today's ally
But today's ally is an aeon ally,
I wanna be a great pocket-monster trainer!..
..I should be!
I heard someone telling the dreams come true with the sound of music,
...A bud would bloom..
...I would see my dream be true.....

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