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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Team Rocket Motto
Prepare for trouble,
Make it double.
To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all people within our nation.
To denouce the evils of truth and love,
To extend our reach to the stars above
Team Rocket Blasts off at the speed of light!!!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!!!
Meowth!!, That's Right!!!

Butch & Cassidy's Motto
Prepare for trouble and make it double!
To infect the world with devistation
To plunder all peoples in every nation
To denounce the goodness of truth and love
To extend our wrath to the stars above
We're Team Rocket, circling earth all day and night
Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight
That's right!

Team Rocket Salon Motto
To protect the world from boring fashion,
To dress all people with flash and passion,
To give all pokemon pretty faces,
To extend our art to outer spaces,
Salon Rocket when it comes to chic we know what's right,
So surrender your tastes and prepare to fight.

Team Rocket Take-Off
Prepare for trouble,
And make it triple,
To protect the world from devastation,
To ignite all peoples within our nation,
To denounce the evils of truth and love,
To extend our reach to the stars above,
And Brock,
Duplica that's right,
Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light,
So surrender now or prepare to fight all of us,
Pika Pika!

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