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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Stadium City
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Misty Waterflower?

Headstrong and stubborn, Misty is the former Cerulean City gym leader and a keeper of water Pokémon. Originally joining the group to be remunerated for the destruction of her bike, Misty's taken a liking to the journey itself. Constantly quibbling with Ash over this and that, Misty seems to harbor deeper feelings for Ash - not that she'd ever admit this, of course.

Misty's Pictures


Misty's Stats
Eg. Name Misty {Waterflower}
Jp. Name Kasumi ("Misty")
French Name Ondine
Age10-12 yrs.
Height 5'2''
Gender Female
Origin Cerulean City
En. Voice ActorRachael Lillis

Misty's Pokémon
[Misty's current Pokemon]

Staryu - Already owned
Moves: Water gun, Swift, Tackle, Counter

Starmie - Already owned
Moves: Water gun, Swift, Tackle, Counter

Goldeen - Already owned
Moves: Tackle, Horn Attack, Agility

Horsea -Adopted in Episode ..
Moves: Smoke Screen, Water gun

Psyduck -"caught" in episode ..
Moves: Tail whip, Scratch, Confusion, Disable

Kunugidama -adopted in episode ...
Moves: Metronome

Polywag -Adopted in episode..; Evolved in Episode...
Moves: Water Gun, Double Slap

Poliwhirl -Evolved from Polywag
Moves: ?Water Gun, Double Slap,

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