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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Japan Info

The Big movie had two names. The US name for it, which the Japanese gave, is "Lord of the Unknown Tower" (Unknown is the Pokemon) The other title is "Emperor of the Crystal Tower".

The short movie first was rumored to be named "Pikachu's Birthday", but than later released as "Pikachu in the Big City" and finally confirmed as "Pichu and Pikachu"

This movie is Japan's 3rd Pokemon Movie. It aired in Japan the Summer of 2000. In the beginning of the movie, a trailer for the fourth movie was shown. (half promo for the 4th movie and Pokemon Crystal)

Movie Info
As a young girl, Mi’s parents both passed away and she was left with the large inheritance, the Green Resort where one goes to gain peace of mind. The large property (Green Field) came with the Tower.

The strange Pokemon Annon (Gold/Silver) comes to MI because of a strange card left by her father. Slowly MI begins to lose sight of what is real and what isn't’t. It seems that with the help of Annon, a crystal begins to enwrap the tower, blurring the outside world and making it all the more unreal for Mi. Annon creates the crystal tower for MI to help her forget her solitude and loneliness due to the death of her parents. Every time she wishes for something, a piece of the tower becomes crystal. Gradually, her heart became crystal and then covered the entire tower.

Eventually it starts to enwrap everything. Ash gets wrapped up into all of this because his mother, Haneko, is taken to the illusory tower because MI wished for a mother, and Ash's mom, being a mother, was taken to the crystal tower by Entei, who appears as Mi's father in the Crystal world. (Entei see's MI weeping for a mother so he goes and gets Haneko) Now Satoshi (Ash) must somehow rescue his mother and MI from the powers of the tower. However they don’t want to leave because they believe they’re happy in the tower do to the powers of distortion it has and they no longer have a concept of the real world.

Thanks to: Bulbgarden's Anime

Pichu & Pikachu

USA Info

By: Marril

This movie has not aired in the United States/Canada/UK ect. yet. For the US, its expected Summer of 2001'

The movie title for the US converted movie will be "Lord of the Unown Tower" (notice: Unknown -> Unown). A trailer has been released by WB! inside the "Pokemon the Movie: 2000" videotape sold in stores.

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