
Into your life.
[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Tracey Sketchit

Brock leaves the group in Japan ep.083 US ep.080 then tracey joined up with Ash & co. in the Orange Islands. His idol turned out to be Professor Oak, and he decided that he'd travel along with them so he could meet him in person. He is a Pokemon Artist, and well, draws Pokemon!

Tracey's Pictures


Tracey's Stats
Eg. Name Tracey Sketchit
Jp. Name Kenji
French Name Tracy
Age 15 yrs. (?)
En. Voice Actor(s)Ted Lewis
Jp. Voice Actors(s)Tomokazu Seki

Tracey's Pokémon
[Tracey's current Pokemon]

Venonat - Already owned
Moves: ???

Scyther - Caught
Moves: ???

Marril - Caught
Moves: ???

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