January 2002

January 29, 2002
Well! Some updates were made, but nothing major. Uploading is suspended for right now...angelfire is having difficulty. I'm being patient, so please do the same. More pics are set to go up! Right now I'm listening to Frank Sinatra (yes, I'm a Frank freak!) Don't forget to catch Brit on SNL this Saturday night (2/2). Well, that's all from here...more later! ~D

January 14, 2002
I'm Back!! At school, that is. In other words, yes, the "Overprotected" pictures are up!! Finally... I know, I know. Not too many changes other than repairing some stuff. I'm out. ~D

January 9, 2002
I did some slight renovations on the Video Capture Gallery. Thanks to Britney Spears Now for the captures of "I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman". If you happen to go onto the "Overprotected" page the first set of links will not load right now. They are on a disk up at school. (I know, good place for them.) Anyway, I'll have them on soon. I go back to school in FOUR days. YEAH! I'm off. My mom and I are going out to dinner. Don't forget about Micheal's Concert and the AMAs tonight ~D

January 8, 2002
Well, Nsync Nsanity is coming along great. Those updates should be done before next month. Let's hope. I miss doin' stuff on this site! Anyway, I added a few more banners in the link me section. Thanks to the two of you that have written to me lately!! I love hearin' from you guys!! New links were added. Don't forget, if you have a Britney site, apply for an award. Hope everyone is having a nice January. It's COLD!!! Don't forget to watch Britney on the AMAs and Micheal Jackson's concert re-air tomorrow. I'm out. ~D

January 1, 2002
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I've been slackin'...I know, I know. I'm workin' on things behind the scenes. I'm not totally lazy. I'm workin' on a new clique page that is gonna be slammin' when it's done, so stay tuned for that! Meanwhile, keep smilin' and have a GREAT 2002!!! ~D

'December 2001' Updates
'November 2001' Updates
'October 2001' Updates

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