November 2001

November 14, 2001
Just a quick update: the A Dream Within A Dream review is up!! Also, from Rolling "Britney Spears' Britney still sold nearly 750,000 copies in its debut week, according to SoundScan". Way to go Brit!!!

November 13, 2001
My concert is over....:-(
My concert was amazing...:-)
I am writing up a full review of the show that should be up in a matter of days. Let me just say, that for anyone that is going to one of the shows, you are in for a treat. She changes clothes...A LOT! And she sounded great. My pictures didn't turn out the best, but that's ok, I'm not going to forget that night anytime soon. I did a quick picture count: 822! Yeah baby! Decent! That's pretty much all that is new right now. I did some major reconstruction on the picture pages. Rearranging where necessary. Check out the Misc. and Photo Shoot galleries for some new pics. Brit absolutely shines in the new shoots! I'm out! ~D

November 7, 2001
I am in a state of disbelief that my concert is tomorrow. It's going to go by so fast, buy I'm sure I'll enjoy every minute of it. I'll be sure to keep you posted on it. I added a piece of the Entertainment Weekly (11/9/01) article, so you can go check that out. A few pictures were added to the Misc. gallery and one was added to the Britney/Justin one. I'm out. Talk to you in a few days...after BRITNEY LIVE!! :-)

November 6, 2001
AH! Well, 'Britney' is offically in my possession. How wonderful!! I love the album, needless to say. I put up a review, so you can go check that out. Nothing else was added or updated. I heard a rumor of Justin and Britney getting married in 2002. We all know how fast these get started. I'll be happy for them when they do, until then it's still a rumor to me. Let me know what YOU think of the new album. I'm out.

November 5, 2001
I don't believe that the album will be out in roughly 3 hours (Eastern Time, at least). I am so excited. Lorrie and I plan to go right after our class ends at 11am. I can't wait, honestly. Moreover, 3 more days till my concert. I have 2.5 days to learn these new songs if I wanna be able to sing them at the concert...I'm sure it won't be too difficult. God Bless my roomate, she'll be 'Britney-ed' out. (Not that she ever liked her anyway, but that's half the fun...) Anyway, I added a new clique. More pictures from the new photo shoots were also added. Enjoy 'Britney', and BUY IT THE FIRST DAY!!!

November 1, 2001
One week till my Britney concert. I just downloaded stream from dotmusic online. (check the mainpage for the link!) I am even MORE excited now, because the samples of the album are awesome. I can NOT wait for this CD. Last night, I added about 20 !!NEW!! pictures. Check out the Photo Shoot page. Not much else. Lordy...I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!!

'October 2001' Updates

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