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New York City Spring Break Trip

These are a small portion of the pictures from my NYC spring break trip that I went on with a bunch of awesome people from Augie. We had a life-changing and eye-opening experience together that changed each of us forever. Speaking for myself I can say that 9-11 and everyone directly affected with it, have a spot in my heart. I admire them for the tough times they have been through. Seeing and hearing first-person stories from people who saw the towers fall, from people who lost loved once and I even heard stories from those who found bodies of their close friends from the NYFD. If you want to hear more, just ask as I'd love to share my experience and the many stories I heard. Not a day goes by where I don't think about it.

The Whole Group

This is a picture of the group that went on the trip! An amazing bunch of people!

The World Trade Center

This is a picture a friend showed me from her NYC trip a few years ago.

After September 11

This a picture from almost the same angle as the one above that I recently took.


Spring Break Pictures Page Two

Spring Break Pictures Page Three

Spring Break Pictures Page Four

Spring Break Pictures Page Five

Spring Break Pictures Page Six