Chapter Nineteen

Dani opened her eyes to a strange room. ‘What the fuck?’ She thought to herself and looked around. Her heart went up to her throat when she laid her eyes on JC’s naked torso lying next to her. She looked down and realized that she was naked.

“Fuck.” She said out loud realizing what happened last night. She slapped a hand over her mouth when she realized that she had said that out loud and JC stirred a little. Dani froze in her place and JC quickly went back to sleep. After a few seconds she began to breath again and slowly slipped out of the bed.

Dani quickly collected her clothes and got dressed. Thoughts raced through her brain. What was she thinking? It was JC, of all people! She didn’t remember past the club last night but by the looks of this morning it was pretty clear what had happened. If Tony found out he’d be so pissed.

Dani quietly left and headed for her room. All she wanted was to take a shower, a long hot shower. Maybe this was all a horrible nightmare and she was going to wake up any minute. Yeah that’s it. She slipped her card into her lock,

“Home fre-”

“Hey you.” Tony called from the end of the hall.

“Shit,” she muttered and slowly turned to meet her brother’s gaze, “Hey Tony.” He smiled at her appearance,

“Hmm, this outfit looks quite familiar, could it be that you’re just getting in from last night?”

“Shut up, just shut up.” She said shaking her head and opening her door.

“So you don’t want to go to breakfast?” He said smirking,

“All I want is a long hot shower and a nap. See you later.” She went into her room and closed the door. Tony just chuckled to himself and went down to breakfast.

Dani slowly stripped and stepped into the shower. She leaned against the wall as the water soaked her body. She was racking her brain trying to remember last night. Bits and pieces came back to her. She remembered dancing with JC at the club and part of the car ride home, but nothing else. Though this morning spoke for itself. God, drunk Lucca night was such a bad idea, she shouldn’t have drank that much.

Then the idea hit her, what if they didn’t use protection? She was on birth control but still; sex wasn’t a light issue with her. She didn’t do this on a normal basis; in fact she had never done anything like that before. Now she felt dirty and slutty because she did. Why did she do this? Why did JC let this happen? He had to know how drunk she was. He was supposed to protect her and he ended up taking advantage of her. Anger rose in her system against him for what he did. She couldn’t believe that he had done this to her.

JC slowly woke and flipped over in bed with a smile on his face. He felt for Dani and found an empty place where she was supposed to be. He sat up in bed rubbing the sleep out of his face.

“Dani?” He called out to her and was greeted by silence. He got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom.

Last night had been a revelation for him. He never thought that he and Dani would have done what they did last night, but now it felt right. Like it had been there in front of him the whole time and he just had to realize it. Their talk came back to him,

“It’s just not your time, but it will come, when you least expect it to. You’ll be sitting there one day and poof! It’ll magically appear to you or rather she will.”

She was right, Dani had been there all along and he just had to realize it. Not that he was ready to get down on one knee and propose or anything but everything just felt right with her. It definitely felt good last night, just the thought of her hands on him again made him hard.

When he went back into his room after his shower he noticed that only his clothes were scattered over his floor. He wondered how early she had left that morning considering it was 10:30 am.

They had a relative easy day. All they had to do was load the buses by 3 and they were off by 4.

He quickly got dressed and went down to breakfast happily.

“Good morning guys.” He greeted Lance and Tony as he sat down with his coffee and bagel.

“You’re awfully chipper this morning.” Tony mentioned,

“Yeah, well I had a good night.” He said non-chalantly.

“Really?” Tony raised an eyebrow, “What happened?”

“Nothing.” JC said with a smile remembering who he was talking to.

“Uh huh, you got some last night when you were supposed to be looking after Dani.”

“She made it back to the hotel okay.”

“At like nine this morning, looking like something the cat dragged in.” JC shrugged,

“Maybe she stayed over at one of the girls’ place.”

“Okay then who was she?”

“Who was who?”

“The girl you took home last night, do we know her?”

“I’m not saying either way.”

“I’ll get it out of you.”

“You do that Tony.” JC smirked, “You do that.”

Later that day Dani managed to make an appearance and found Justin.

“Hey girl.” He said and she half smiled,

“Hey Justin, how’s it going?”

“Just fine, you okay?”

“Yeah, just a bit tired from last night.”

“I heard about last night, you should be.” He laughed,

“You heard?”

“Yeah, C and Tony were talking all about it this morning at breakfast.”

“They were?”

“Yeah, it’s no wonder that you slept that late. A night like that and I’d be out too!” He laughed some more. At that point JC walked into the room and smiled smugly at Dani and her stomach sank. She had trusted him and he had totally ruined her. Now he was bragging about it to the guys, even her brother! Why didn’t Tony do anything about that?

“I’ve got to go, Justin. Talk to you later.” She said and breezed out of the room.

“Okay, bye.” He barely got out before she left. JC came over to him,

“Hey Justin, where did Dani just go off to? I wanted to talk to her.” Justin shrugged,

“Got me, she just said that she had to go. Why do you need to talk to her?”

“I can’t talk to Dani now, without your permission?”

“No, I was just wondering, I saw you guys dancing last night and it looked pretty intense, that’s all.” JC shrugged,

“We were dancing and then I took her back to the hotel, just like I told Tony I would.”

“So this mystery girl you met was at the hotel?”

“Something like that.” JC smirked,

“You’re not going to let it out who she was, are you?”

“Nope, I don’t want to hurt her, you know?”

“I get ya, but you better say something soon.”

“We’ll see.”

Dani crawled into her bunk a couple of hours before they were set to leave. She just wanted to be left alone right then. She couldn’t take everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours. She couldn’t believe that JC had done that to her, she thought that she had known him so well. She trusted him like family, she would have done anything for him and he did this to her. On top of that, her brother knew and didn’t do anything. He didn’t protect her, he didn’t yell at JC, he reveled in it with him! Why did everyone turn their back on her? Dani’s emotions got the best of her and she began to bawl.
Tony looked for his sister all over the arena and couldn’t find her. Finally one of the security guards told him that he saw her go back on the bus. He trotted out there and when he got on the bus he heard her sniffling.

“Dani?” He called out to her,

“Go away.” She growled,

“What’s wrong?” He asked and pushed aside the curtain on her bunk, “And why are you in your bunk?”

“Fuck you.” Was her reply as she pulled her curtain closed again. Tony opened it again,

“Come on, why are you like this?”

“Go away and leave me the fuck alone.”

“Are you sick from last night?”

“Yes. Go away.”

“Kay, I’ll check on you later.” He said going up to the front of the bus, “If you need anything call one of the security guards.” Her reply was the bird and he laughed as he jogged off the bus.

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Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty