Chapter Nine

It was getting close to Constance’s, Emma’s niece and Stuart’s daughter, birthday. Stuart called Emma about having a party for her, she was going to be six years old. Emma was the godmother to both of Stuart’s two children, Constance and Kael (who is ten years old). Emma loved her niece and nephew like they were her own children.

Stuart was trying to decide whether to throw a huge party or to take Constance out with some of her best friends. Emma suggested that he ask Constance which she would rather do. Constance opted for the small outing rather than the huge party.

“So she wanted the small outing, rather than the huge party huh?” She asked.

“Yeah, which is why I need your help. You see Connie wants to go to a concert but the date of the concert is a conflict for Gloria (Stuart’s wife). So I was wondering if you would be willing take on seven six-year-olds at a concert with me.”

“Sure Stuart, I’d love to. What concert does she want to see?” Emma was figuring Elmo on ice or something to that effect.

“I don’t’ know, some pop group, I think they’re called ‘You Stink’.” Emma had to laugh, Are you sure? I have never heard of that group before.”

“Let me check, I have it here some where.” She heard the rustling of papers in the background.

“Oh yes here it is! They are called ‘Nuhsinc’.” Emma then heard Connie faintly in the background,

“Oh, thank you sweetie. Connie says that they are pronounced, Nsync.” Emma’s heart skipped a beat and was speechless for a minute.

“Emma? Are you there? Have you heard of these Nsync kids?”

“Huh? Yeah, they’ve got some catchy tunes.” ‘And some pretty cute members.’ She thought to herself.

Two weeks later Emma took a flight out to Atlanta, Georgia for Constance’s birthday. At the airport Connie and Kael ran up to her and gave her a hug the instant she came out of the terminal. Stuart and Gloria were waiting right behind them. Emma squatted down and encircled them in a big hug.

“How are my favorite god kids? I think you guys have grown two inches since the last time I've seen you.”

“Hi, Godmama!” They chorused while hugging her. She stood up and them both grabbed either of her hands and walked with her over to Stuart.

“What are you feeding them, they’re so big!” She acclaimed.

“They’re growing up way too fast.” Gloria said.

“I’ll say, how are you Gloria? You look absolutely fabulous.”

“Thank you. You look wonderful too.” She said embracing her in a hug. Emma hugged Stuart next,

“Hey big guy.”

“Hello, sweetie, how was the plane ride?”

“Lovely, I like the new pilot, Charles, much better than Juan.”

“Good, then I made a good choice?”

“Yes, let’s go home and get something to eat, I’m starving.”

“You’re always starving.” Stuart retorted.

The next night was the concert. Kael refused to go and stayed the night at a friend’s. Gloria went off to her meeting in New York; she was an artist and was checking up on a gallery that she had there. Connie was running around the house dressed in her Nsync t-shirt and some jeans and sneakers. She had gotten dressed with Emma and helped Emma pick out an outfit.

“This one godma, it’s so beautiful.” Connie picked out a lightweight silk dress, with slim straps, that had a paisley peach and pink pattern.

“That is beautiful, but would you wear that to a concert?” Emma asked and Connie scratched her head,

“I guess not. Let me look again.” Connie dove in Emma’s closet to find something more appropriate.

“I’m going for comfort with style, Connie.” She yelled. For a six-year-old Connie had a keen sense of style. Connie wanted to be a fashion designer, and run DeCour Fashions. Emma had no doubt that she would. Finally she came out with a black shell that had straps that came close to the neck making it look like a halter but not really. It had three rows of small, black shiny squares lining the neck and the armholes. She also had a beige pair of slim leather pants and a pair of black mules with a thin strap around the heel. It was perfect,

“Fabulous Connie, that’s a great outfit. I would never have put those together, but now that you did they look great.” Connie smiled shyly and held them out for Emma to take. She quickly got dressed and pulled her hair up into a slick ponytail and did simple make-up.

“So are you excited to go to the concert?” She squealed.

“Oh my god yes. I can’t wait till the meet and greet. I’m going to meet Justin, Eee! He is so hot!” Emma couldn’t help but laugh.

“So where are we sitting?”

“Backstage passes of course, I can’t believe I will be able to touch them!” She squealed again. Emma had to admit that she had butterflies in her stomach too. It was the first time she was going to be seeing JC since she left Las Vegas. ‘He won’t remember me.’ She thought to herself, but there was a little glimmer of hope that maybe he did.

Soon they left in a huge stretch limo. Stuart had really outdone himself on this one. They picked up each of the girls, the squealing became louder and louder with each one. Stuart and Emma found that it was easier to speak French to each other because it was easier to pick out of the girls’ chatter. The girls ended up calling her Mrs. DeCour instead of Miss DeCour since they used Mrs. with every other adult female they had come in contact with and didn’t know the difference. Emma didn’t really care. When they got out of the limo the girls rushed ahead and Emma and Stuart fell behind. He put an arm around her shoulders and she leaned on him placing an arm around his waist.

“What did we get our selves into?” he asked.

“I don’t know but I would just like to say that this was all your idea.” They laughed. The girls ran back to them when they realized that they didn’t have their tickets. Emma handed them out and put one on Stuart who grimaced at wearing it.

“The things I do for father hood.”

“It’s becoming on you, Stuart.” She said poking him in the side. They gathered the girls and went into the meet and greet. They had the girls sitting down, bouncing in their seats but sitting and they stood up in the back letting other people sit. Soon the boys filed in and sat at the front table. They were stunned to see Emma standing in the back. When the girls were standing in line Emma realized that she had one of the girl’s CD in her purse. She had been holding it while they were in the limo. She went up to the girl, they were almost to the table,

“Lizzy, you’re CD you almost forgot it.”

“Oh, my god, thank you so much, Mrs. DeCour.”

“Your welcome Lizzy. Be good girls, Mr. DeCour and I will be in the back, you are all to come directly to us when you’re done, understood?”

“Yes, Mrs. DeCour.” They chorused.

“Good, have a good time girls.” Emma walked back to where Stuart was trying to ignore the stares of the guys especially JC. At least it was clear that they hadn’t forgotten about her. Connie was the first in line and her friend Anna was right behind her she said to her.

“Your parents are so cool.”

“I know.” She said happily as she turned to wave at Stuart and Emma, they waved back. Justin had been watching this whole thing from the table and he couldn’t believe his ears. JC’s girl the one he had been pining away for was married, with kids! Connie finally reached the boys and was as sweet as ever.

“Hi, Justin.”

“Hi, sweetie,” he said flashing his famous grin, “how are you doing tonight?”

“Great, it’s my birthday today.”

“Really? Well Happy Birthday, what’s your name sweetie?”

“Connie DeCour.”

“Hey boys it’s Connie here’s birthday today!” They all said happy birthday to her as she went down the line. JC stared at the little girl. She looked exactly like a little version of Emma; she had to be her child. He was crushed; it must have been the reason why she had left so quickly, why she had been acting so weird that day. His eyes drifted to Emma constantly during the meet and greet. She looked absolutely stunning and sophisticated. He tried to catch her eye but she was too busy with the group of girls they had brought to the concert. Soon the meet and greet was over, Emma was thankful because she didn’t know how much longer she could have taken the stares of the guys. They made their way backstage to where they would be sitting for the concert.

Emma enjoyed the concert greatly, except for the fact that she felt JC’s eyes boring into her constantly. Her heart ached for him, and her face showed it because Stuart asked her about it.

“What’s wrong my dear?”

“Oh nothing, it’s just boy dilemmas that’s all.”

“Really, it’s not Jason again is it?”

“Oh goodness no.” She looked into the concert and saw JC dancing across the stage and she lost her train of thought.

“Does this have to do with the boy you’re staring at?” he asked and she blushed.

“God you know me too well. That’s Josh, the guy I met in Las Vegas.”

“Ah, I see, well from the way he’s been looking at you I can tell that he hasn’t forgotten you.”

“Yeah but he doesn’t look happy to see me either. What am I talking about it would never work.” He nodded and said,

“Emma, if it was meant to be with this Josh guy then it will all work out in the end.” She smiled but thought that ‘This mess could never be worked out’.

Half way into the concert, they boys did something unexpected.

“Hello, everyone!” Joey said and the crowd screamed and shook the arena. He waited for them to quiet down a bit and then said,

“We have a very special person in the audience tonight. We would like to invite her out her on stage so that you can meet her. Connie DeCour can you come out here?” Connie nearly fainted but a stage manager escorted her out onto the stage.

“Hi Connie,” The boys said when she came out on stage.

“Hi,” she said meekly. Chris stepped up,

“Now we heard through a little bird that it was your birthday today and you decided to celebrate it with us. We were so honored that we decided to give you a little gift and sing happy birthday to you.” Emma’s heart melted right away for the boys, she had missed them so much and this was the sweetest thing they could ever have done. It brought tears to her eyes. JC picked Connie up and sat her on her lap. The boys gathered around her,

“How old are you today, Connie? 18? 20? 25?” Lance asked.

“Six.” She said laughing.

“Wow only six? You sure look a lot older. You’re gonna give them a run for their money.” He joked. The boys sang happy birthday to her. JC held her hand the entire time. Afterward they each gave her a hug and a kiss. That girl was on cloud nine when she got off the stage. Emma could have sworn that she was actually floating. Emma knew that she had to see JC after the concert but she didn’t know how. It would be too difficult. She didn’t even know what hotel they were staying at. After the concert they left but not before getting a group picture of the girls and Nsync minus Emma and Stuart. After the picture was done, the girls needed to go home. Emma wanted to talk to JC really quickly but Stuart was suddenly no where to be found and she was left to herd the girls to the limo and get them all settled in. Stuart finally got in the limo a little bit later. Emma gave him an evil eye, he just shrugged and smiled. She wondered what he had going up his sleeve. The girls fell fast asleep in the limo on the ride home. Emma had Connie curled up in her arms. Emma looked at her while she slept; it was remarkable how much Connie looked like her even though they didn’t share an ounce of bloodline.

Soon they were home and Emma started to carry Connie up to her room. Stuart stopped her,

“Emma, you know how I told you that if a relationship was meant to be it would?”


“Well some times fate needs a good nudge in the right direction.” He smiled, but Emma didn’t understand. Stuart handed her a piece of paper, hotel key, and a set of car keys. He took the sleeping Connie from her arms and Emma looked at the piece of paper, it said,

‘Waldorf Hotel, Suite P3’

Stuart started walking up the stairs,

“That’s your room, they’re staying in the next suite, P2. From what I understand he’ll be there all night. He doesn’t go out because he’s been upset over some girl he met in Las Vegas.” Before Stuart could finish Emma was out the door and heading over to the Waldorf Hotel.
