Chapter Twenty-One

That day Emma blissfully went down to the front desk to pay her bill. She was practically floating on air from the night before. JC had been absolutely wonderful and she simply couldn’t get enough of him. She was clearly on the road to a fully healed heart and she couldn’t be happier.

“Hello, I would like to pay my bill for room 4210.” The receptionist nodded and brought it up on her computer.

“Miss DeCour, you’re already paid.”

“What? By Who?”

“It says by Mr. Chasez.” She replied and Emma groaned. Why didn’t he get that she didn’t want him paying for her?

“Okay, thank you.” She said to the receptionist and went back upstairs.

JC burst into his room to find Emma sitting on his bed.

“Mmm, this seems promising.” He mused but she threw him a look that cut him short. “What baby?” He asked and Emma stood up and handed him a check. “What’s this?” He said looking at the check,

“You mistakenly paid for mine and Kitty’s room. So, I’m paying you back.” JC tried to hand her back the check,

“No, it wasn’t a mistake, I paid for it. I told you I was going to take care of it.” Emma pushed the check away from her,

“And I told you that I was paying for me and Kitty.”

“I’m not accepting the check Emma. It’s okay, don’t worry about it, keep your money.” He replied trying to hand the check back to her but she didn’t take it,

“What did I say about buying me things?” She demanded, placing her hands on her hips and staring defiantly at him. JC threw his hands up in the air,

“God Emma, it’s no big deal. I’m cool with it.” JC then took the check and ripped it up. Emma stared at him in shock,

“You, you, why the hell did you just do that?!” She said pointing at him.

“Because I wouldn’t have cashed it. Emma, I don’t want your money! I have enough, let me spend it on you a little.” He tried to explain,

“I don’t want you to spend it on me! I don’t want your money!” She yelled and went for the door, “I’m writing you another check and you better cash it!” JC followed her,

“It won’t matter, I’m not going to cash it!”

“Fine I’ll have money transferred from my account to yours.” She said as they both stalked down the hall,

“I’ll have it transferred back!” JC shouted back at her,

“Not if I tell them not too!” She threw over her shoulder,

“I’ll tell them that they have too!”

“It won’t work!” She replied and opened her door. She went in and picked up her cell phone. JC came in and grabbed the phone from her, “Give me back my phone, JC!” She told him holding out her hand.

“No, why can’t you just let me pay for you? It’s not going to break my bank.”

“You just don’t get it do you?” She said becoming extremely frustrated at the situation,

“Obviously I don’t!”

“God, you are just so stubborn!” She threw her hands up in the air.

“You are just as stubborn as I am!” He yelled back at her,

“Can y’all just shut up so that I can sleep?” Kitty shouted from her bed and the two became quiet.

“Sorry, Kitty, I didn’t know you were there.” Emma said shooting JC a look and stalking out into the hall. JC followed her out and shut the door behind him. Emma didn’t stop she kept on walking down the hall to the elevators. She angrily pushed the button and it opened. Emma stepped in and JC quickly slid in after her.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked,

“Down.” She replied pushing the lobby button.

“Guess, I’m going too.”

“Whatever.” She muttered crossing her arms and staring at the ceiling.

“Why do you object to me buying you things?”

“Because I can afford it.” She retorted,

“It’s okay, I don’t want you spending all your money to stay with me.” He said and Emma laughed as the doors opened to the lobby. She walked out and went straight to the manager’s office. JC pulled his baseball cap down and quickly followed her. Emma impatiently knocked on the door, it opened quickly to reveal a middle-aged man in a suit.

“Miss DeCour?! What a pleasure! I was not aware that you were staying with us. Is there a problem?” Emma smiled at the manager,

“Hello Bernard, may I come in?”

“Of course my dear, come on in.” He said opening the door for them to walk in. JC was kind of shocked, how did she know the manager? They came in and sat down in the plush chairs.

“So, Miss DeCour-”

“Bernard, I’ve told you to call me Emma.”

“Yes, well Emma, I don’t believe I’ve met your friend. Any friend of yours is certainly welcome here.” Emma looked at JC,

“Bernard, this is Josh Chasez. Josh this is Bernard Smith, manager of this hotel.” Bernard extended his hand to JC.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Josh. Will you be staying with Emma while she’s in town?” Now JC was blown away, how did he know Emma so well? JC took his hand and shook it,

“Um, yeah, something like that.” Little did this man know that Emma was staying with him! Bernard turned back to Emma,

“So, Emma what can I do for you?”

“Here’s my problem. You see, Josh here had mistakenly paid for my visit here. I was wondering if you could transfer the funds for me.”

“No, I want to pay for it!” JC interrupted and Emma patted his arm,

“Bernard, he’s just trying to be nice.” She looked at JC, “Sweetie, just stay quiet while I take care of this.” She then turned back to Bernard, “So can we make a quick transfer?”

“Of course Emma, it will be done today. Do you want the paperwork sent up to your room or to the office?”

“Emma!” JC yelled and Emma shot him a look,

“Honey, please, I’m talking to Bernard.” She smiled at Bernard, “Forgive him, he sometimes forgets where he is. My office will be fine, Bernard.” She stood up, “Thank you for all your help.”

“It was my pleasure, Emma.”

“Give my love to your family. I wish we could have tea, but I’m leaving tomorrow. Maybe next time.”

“Of course Emma, nothing would make me happier.” Bernard ushered Emma to the door and she looked back at Josh who was still sitting in the chair.

“Josh, are you coming? Bernard is a busy man. We don’t need to take up anymore of his time.”

“Ah, Emma, you are welcome to take up as much of my time as you’d like. It’s always a pleasure when you stay here.” Josh got up angrily and moved behind Emma.

“Bernard, thank you, I will see you later.”

“Good-bye, Emma.” Emma left Bernard’s office not caring if JC was following her or not. She stepped onto the elevator and JC did too. He leaned against the back of the elevator, fuming. He couldn’t believe what she just did or how she treated him. She had treated him like a child, like he was her plaything and so did that manager. Didn’t he know who he was?! Heads were going to roll for this!

“You should scream before you explode.” Emma said calmly.

“Oh, am I allowed to talk now?” He snapped.

“Sure, talk all you want.” She said rather coolly and shrugged her shoulders.

“Who the hell do you think you are to treat me like this?” He yelled at her as they walked off of the elevator and she whipped around on him,

“I am Emorah Anne DeCour and you, Mr. Chasez, are not the biggest, nor the only fish in the sea. Just because little teenage girls worship the ground you walk upon and fall at your feet, does not mean that I will! I can just as easily, if not more easily, snap my fingers and have things my way! I am not some bloody little groupie who will fawn all over you and do as you wish! I am above that! I am above you!” She shouted, turned and stalked off down the hall to her room. JC was speechless. Who was that woman that just walked away from him? He looked down at his watch and groaned. He had wasted and hour fighting with Emma and now he had to go and do his sound check. Justin came out of his room,

“C! You ready to go?”

“Yeah I guess.” JC replied and Justin saw JC’s face.

“Dude you look like you just lost your best friend. Did you have a fight with Emma?” They began walking towards the elevator.

“Kind of, I don’t know, she flipped out when I wouldn’t let her pay for the room.”

“What do you mean by flipped out?”

“Like she went down to the manager and made him transfer my money out and her money in. But that’s not the weirdest part. The manager knew Emma like she comes here all the time, you know? He asked me if I was staying with her, like she was the famous one and I was just some Joe Schmoe off the street. He seriously didn’t know who I was. Then when I confronted her about it, she went off saying that I wasn’t the biggest fish in the bowl and that she wasn’t my groupie. I don’t think I ever treated her like a groupie, did I? All I wanted to do is pay for her so she wouldn’t waste all her money staying with us. Is that so wrong?” He asked and Justin started laughing, “What?”

“You seriously have no clue, do you?”

“About what?”

“How much money Emma has.”

“I know she has money. She has her parent’s business, plus she’s a karate teacher in California, and her brother’s a lawyer too, but that doesn’t matter. It’s still not enough for her to waste on my expense.” Justin started laughing even harder, “What the hell is so funny!”

“I can’t believe that Emma never told you.” He said still laughing and JC was getting really frustrated now.

“Get to the point Justin!”

“Emma’s got mad loot, dude.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Okay let me put it this way, her dating you is going slumming. Her room charge is pocket change to her. She could buy us, our entire record company, plus lawyers and still have money left over to burn.”

“What?” JC said not really believing him. Justin placed a hand on JC’s shoulder,

“Dude, basically you’re the gold digger in the relationship.”

“She, no, not my Emma.” He paused a minute, “My Emma is a millionaire?”

“Not a millionaire, a billionaire, many, many, many, many, many, times over.” Justin slapped JC on the back.

“But how? She only has that small business that her parent’s started.”

“Ever hear of DeCour fashions?”

“Yeah, of course, wait that’s her parent’s business?!”

“You know that computer company EAD? That’s her too.” JC was dumbfounded,

“No wonder the manger knew her. Why didn’t she ever tell me about that?”

Emma went into her room and crumpled on her bed. What had she just done? Why did she just do that? She just totally gave up everything she had worked so hard to keep. Tears began to burn down her cheeks. Emma felt someone crawl onto the bed. It was Kitty, who instinctively hugged her friend.

“You and JC have a fight?” Kitty asked,

“I think I am just relationship challenged. I cannot have a normal relationship.” She sighed,

“Who does have a normal relationship? Especially with two people as stubborn as you two are.”

“I know, why do I have to be so pigheaded and push so hard?”

“Make up sex, it’s definitely the best part of fighting.” Emma laughed,

“I guess, I don’t think there’s gonna be any make up sex this time. JC was so pissed at me, he was going to explode. I’ve never seen him that angry.”

“Oh, he’ll get over it, he loves you more than anything.”

“I do, too. You should have seen him Kitty. He was acting like such a spoiled little boy. I couldn’t control myself from cutting him down. I had to get my way and I treated him so badly, it was awful.”

“What do you mean?”

“I treated him like a child when I went to see Bernard, the manager. I don’t know why, but I had to belittle him and knock him down a couple notches to make him see what a big shot he’s not. God, I’m just so horrible! How could I do that to him?” Kitty smiled,

“Honey, it’s our job to keep the boys in check. It sounds like JC was getting a little too big for his britches and you put him in his place.”

“But did I have to be so mean to him?”

“It’s okay, I swear. You’ll see him and everything will be fine.”

“You think?”

“You better because me and Joey gots plans for this room tonight.”

“Do you now? What’s going on between you two?”

“Nothing permanent, so far, but what we do have is real nice, mmm.” She said and Emma had to laugh at her, “So are you going to the concert tonight?”

“I don’t know, I don’t want Josh to be upset if I’m there. Maybe I’ll sit this one out and wait till he gets back here.”

“And leave me alone with those teeny boppers? I think not! You are so going with me if I have to drag you kicking and screaming.” Emma laughed again feeling a lot better. She gave Kitty a huge hug.

“I am so glad that you’re here, Kitty. I don’t know how I would do this without you.”

“Yeah, well just remember me in your will, okay?”

“Promise.” She laughed back and Kitty jumped up,

“Come on, let’s go get ready for the concert!”

Kitty turned up music and they both danced around the room as they got ready for the concert that night. Kitty chose to wear an awfully short pink skirt and a glittery white one shoulder tank top. She spun around in front of Emma,

“So how do I look?”

“Like a skanky hoe, Joey’ll love it.” Emma replied and Kitty chucked a pillow at her,

“Thanks!” Emma on the other hand had decided to go for comfort, pulling on a pair of jeans and a simple white halter top. She had left her hair down and wore comfy cowboy boots. Kitty stared at her,

“How is it that even when you dress down, you look like a model. I hate you!” She added playfully and Emma smirked,

“They won’t be looking at me if you’re standing next to me. They’ll be trying to look up your skirt.” Kitty hit her with another pillow and this time Emma retaliated with a pillow of her own. Soon they were playfully wrestling on one of the beds.

“God, I wanna live in this room!” Joey yelled when he saw the girls on the bed. The girls looked up and laughed.

“In your dreams Fatone.” Emma said as they both got up off the bed.

“You have no idea, Emma, no idea.” He joked making everyone laugh. “So are you ladies ready to go? I was sent as your escort.”

“Oh.” Emma said quietly, JC always came back to pick her up, he must still be really mad at her. Joey saw her face,

“Jace and Justin were having problems during the sound check, they were still working on it when we left.”

“Oh, okay, well then,” she said getting her jacket, “we should get going.”

“Alrighty then!” Joey yelled as Kitty picked up her jacket and the girls walked towards the door.

“You know Joe, if you keep dropping by our room, you’re liable to catch us in the shower one of these days.” Kitty smirked and Joey almost stopped in his tracks.

“You, no, oh geez! Please!” he said dropping to his knees, “Let me live in you room, please, please, please!” He begged and the girls laughed. Kitty leaned down and cupped his chin in her hand, subsequently giving him a look down her shirt.

“Maybe if you’re really, really, good, we’ll let you watch.” She finished with a wink and Joey dropped down on his back, which gave him a look up Kitty’s skirt. Lance walked out of his room right then,

“What happened to Joey?”

“Sensory overload, I guess.” Emma said shrugging her shoulders and laughed with Kitty.

They made their way to the concert. They guys were whisked away as soon as they got there. Kitty noticed Emma’s uneasy demeanor,

“Do you want to watch from the audience tonight?”

“I guess.” She said quietly.

“Wanna do a half and half? I promised that I would be back here after the intermission.”

“Whatever.” Emma replied and Kitty put her hands on her hips,

“If you don’t answer me, I’m gonna smack you senseless.” Kitty joked and Emma smiled,

“But then you still wouldn’t get an answer.”

“Yeah, but I’d feel better.”

“Half and half is fine.”

“Okay then.” They made their way to their seats, ear plugs already in and waited for the concert to begin.

“Did Emma come?” JC bounced on the guys when they got back.

“Yeah, what’s up with you two? She looked a little upset back in the room.” Joey said,

“We had a fight, so she’s here? Maybe I should go see her.”

“They’re in the audience tonight, so you can’t.” Joey said,

“Why are they watching from the audience? They always watch from behind the stage.” JC said and Joey shrugged,

“I guess they wanted a different view.” JC knew the truth that Emma was still mad at him, she didn’t want to be near him.

The concert started and JC searched for Emma, he sighed when he saw her in the front with Kitty. Their eyes connected and Emma looked down, she looked guilty, upset, and timid. JC wanted to run out into the audience and grab her. He wanted to make everything okay.

JC freaked when he saw Emma and Kitty leave during the middle of a song. Where was she going? He immediately thought the worst. JC flew backstage at the intermission, intent on calling Emma. But he didn’t have to, she was waiting backstage. She looked so little. Emma saw him and immediately looked down playing with a hole in the floor with her toe. JC went over and kissed her gently. Emma looked up in shock,

“I’m sorry.” She said and he smiled,

“No, I’m sorry.” She was about to protest when she stopped.

“You’re all sweaty, you should towel off and change.” Emma took his towel and dried his neck and shoulders. He stopped her hands and held them where they were.

“Are we okay?” He asked,

“Are we?” She unsurely asked back looking into his eyes.

“I am if you are.”

“I am, I love you.” She said leaning in and kissing him.

“Love you, too.” He smiled back at her.

“Hey C, you gonna change or gawk at Emma?” Justin called to him. JC looked over at Justin and then back at Emma,

“Well I know what I’d like to do, but I gotta change.” He brushed a kiss on her lips, with a quick caress of her face and ran off to change. Kitty walked over to her,

“You guys looked cozy. I assume everything’s better?” Emma smiled brightly, feeling like a ton of bricks had been lifted from her shoulders,

“Everything’s a lot better, you’ll have your room tonight.”

“Whoo, hoo!” Kitty cheered and Emma rolled her eyes,

“God you’re like a horny teenager!”

“It’s hard not to be with Joey! He brings it out in me!”

“He brings it out? Yeah, that’s it.”

The girls watched the rest of the show from backstage. After the concert JC ran off the stage and right into Emma’s arms.

“Once again, I showered for no reason.” She joked as he held her tight.

“This has to be the best part of the concert for me.” He said and put her down and kept his arms around her.

“Definitely the best.” Emma cooed and kissed him. Justin and Chris started gagging behind the couple and Emma shot them a look,

“Oh, you two, shush.” She giggled.

The boys quickly undressed and headed to the suburban that was taking them back to the hotel. Emma settled in on JC’s lap and snuggled close.

“Sweetie, there’s plenty of seats.”

“Yeah, but you have the one I want.” She smiled playfully nuzzling his neck.

“There will be no making out in the car!” Joey shouted from the back, “Unless I am involved!” He finished and Emma sighed,

“Well if that’s the way it has to be.” She said sarcastically getting up off of JC and he pulled her down quickly,

“I don’t think so.”

“Okay.” She replied happily and wrapped her arms around his neck. He smelled pretty good for sweating so much. Emma couldn’t resist and quietly licked his neck tasting his salty skin. JC groaned,

“You are on dangerous grounds.”

“Sorry.” She whispered in his ear, “I couldn’t resist, I love the taste of your skin like this.” Emma took another lick letting this one linger delicately on his skin.

“Baby.” He whispered hoarsely.

“You know we’re almost back to the hotel, you two!” Kitty yelled from the back.

“It’s too long to wait.” JC whispered to her and ran his hand along her inner thigh causing a quiet moan to escape her lips.

“It’s forever.” She whispered back.

The car stopped and everyone quickly hopped out. JC took Emma’s hand and practically dragged her to his room. He opened the door, shoved them both in the door and quickly shut it. He grabbed Emma and kissed her.

“Mmm, I’ve missed that.” She said before JC kissed her again. That kiss took her breath away and she had to stop him from kissing her again. “Whoa, slow down big boy, we’ve got all night.”

“I know, but I just wanted to feel you.” He said caressing her face lightly,

“Like I said we have all night. Why don’t you go shower quickly and I’ll be out her waiting for you.”

“How about you help me shower?” She kissed his lips,

“Josh, go shower.” He groaned as she walked away, “Whining makes me not want to join you.” She said playfully. He smiled and started stripping to the shower. Emma sat down on the bed when she heard the water running and kicked off her shoes. Those kisses had worried her, they were desperate, connection seeking kisses. Not I love you, I want you, kisses. She had once again hurt JC with her childish ways. Yet he still loved her so much, and why did she hurt him? Over money, the one thing she vowed never to let get between her and someone she loved. It had happened again, God she hated having so much money. Sure she lived comfortably, very comfortably in fact, but that was to take away the hurt and cover everything up. All the pain she had felt growing up. The loss of her parents, losing her home, getting sick and almost dying, the shock of finding out that she had a twin brother, her father’s family fighting over her, Jason cheating on her, almost losing her brother again… She flopped back onto the bed. How much torture was she to endure in her life? How would JC react when he found out the truth about her? She wished that she didn’t have any money and that she had a simple life. But that wasn’t God’s plan for her. Hell, she fell in love with a pop star! Of course she would fall for someone like him, she just couldn’t fall for an architect or and accountant. A person with a nine to five job. ‘Not Emma,’ she thought sarcastically, ‘oh, no, you had to go for the big time, didn’t you?’ Then she scolded herself for thinking that way. Just because JC was a pop star didn’t mean that he should live without love. She was lucky to have his love in her life, but a part of her wished that she could just have Josh Chasez and not JC of Nsync, though one was not complete without the other. Her mind drifted back to his kisses, that needy feeling that rushed across his lips. She was the cause of that feeling and it cast a heavy stone in her heart. It was all her fault because of the way she had acted. A tear slipped out of her eye and she hastily wiped it away.

“Baby?” JC’s soft voice called to her, “Emma are you okay?” He was worried about her, she heard it in his voice. She sat up on her elbows and smiled at him. He had just come out of the shower and was dressed in a towel, a worried look covered his face.

“I’m fine sweetie, why do you ask?” He walked over to her,

“One, you didn’t join me in the shower and I was in there a long time,” he said half joking, “two, I came out here and you were really deep in thought and crying.” He finished crossing his arms. Emma sat up and scooted back, resting against the headboard.

“I wasn’t crying.” JC sat down on the edge of the bed next to her,

“I saw you wipe away the tears.”

“It was just one tear, nothing to worry about.”

“Well to me, that’s one tear too many.” She smiled and opened her arms,

“Come hold me, please?”

“If you don’t mind me like this.” He said crawling up next to her,

“I’ll take you anyway I can get you.” She said holding his arms around her like a protective shield.

“What’s going on Emma? All night you’ve looked like a scared mouse.”

“That’s kind of how I feel, in a way.”

“But why?”

“I’m scared that one day I’m going to hurt you so bad that I’ll lose you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I hurt you today, I’m so sorry.” She whispered,

“Baby, it takes two to fight. Don’t worry about it, that’s in the past.”

“I know, but I still feel bad about the way I treated you and how I let money come between us. I vowed never to let it happen and it did. I hate money.” She said like a horrid confession. “I wish that I didn’t have any.”

“Money’s not all bad.”

“It’s only brought me pain.”

“It brought you to me.” He whispered into her hair. Emma tried to move closer to him but he was already covering her. “Emma?”

“It took away my parents, it took away my home, it made my family fight and hate each other. I wish I could just give it away. I try so hard to, but it always comes back to me double fold.” She sadly laughed, “Have you ever heard anyone complain about having too much money?” It finally hit JC why she didn’t want him to give her any money. She thought that it would only cause her more pain.

“Oh, baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“It’s not your fault, it’s just sometimes I imagine my life without money. I’d probably would still have my parents. God, I would give all that I own to have them back. To spend one more hour with them, to tell them I’m sorry and that I love them. I would give it all away, just for that.” Tears trickled down her face, “Did I ever tell you who my parent’s were?”

“No, you didn’t.” He replied softly and rubbed her arms.

“Angela DeCour, you know of DeCour fashions? That’s my mother.”

“I know of her, we’ve worn DeCour before.”

“My dad was Charles DeCour, he built that computer company, EAD. He named it after me, Emorah Anne DeCour, my initials. He always said that I was his baby and so was the company. So he named it after me.” She smiled a little through her tears.

“So that’s that little mom and pop company that you help your brother run?” He joked and she let out a giggle.

“Yeah, that’s us. You’re not mad, are you?”

“Why would I be mad?”

“Because I didn’t tell you who I really was.”

“Does it change who you are?”

“No.” She shook her head,

“Then I don’t care.”

“I just really hate it when people make snap judgments about me when they find out. People are so weird. Some can be so fake.”

“I totally understand sweetie, you don’t know if they like you for you or if they like you for our money or where you can get them.” She looked into his eyes, ‘He really understands,’ She thought, ‘This is why we work, we’re both in the same boat.’

“Thank you.” She whispered,

“For what?”

“Understanding me so well. Your one of the few people outside my family that really gets it.”

“I’ve lived it most of my life, though you hide it better than I do. I mean when I first met you I knew you had some money, then when I met your brother and you said you ran a company together, I thought I knew. That’s why I pushed so much to pay for you. I thought I was helping, now I know the truth and I am definitely gonna let you pick up the tab once in a while.” He said and she grinned,

“So you want me to be your sugar momma?”

“Mmm,” he said nuzzling her hair, “my Emma and sugar, what an idea.” She kissed his nose,

“You’re cute.”

“That will not do for me.” He said leaning in and kissing her gently but deeply. He rolled his body over her completely and began to move his hands up her shirt. “Mmm, you are wearing too many clothes.”

“So are you.” She returned playfully, brushing her hands down his chest towards the towel around his waist.

“God, I love the way you think.” JC rubbed his face in her hair inhaling her scent. He moved her shirt up over her head. Her lips found his and softly kissed them. JC’s hands began to travel towards her jeans. A knock on their door interrupted their world and Emma sighed.

“Don’t worry baby, they’ll go away.” He whispered but the knock became more insistent.

“Stop making out and answer the door!” Kitty yelled and Emma pushed away a very disappointed JC.

“Next time I’m gonna interrupt her and Joe.” He grumbled and Emma pulled away his towel,

“You’ll get yours soon enough Josh.” She jumped off the bed and went for the door. She opened it slightly, “Hey Kitty what’s up?”

“Sorry for interrupting.”

“No, it’s okay, we weren’t doing much.”

“Not yet.” JC commented as he came up behind her and grabbed her waist.

“Oh geez, JC do you have to come to the door naked?” Kitty said covering her eyes a little and Emma laughed,

“Sweetie can you wait inside please or at least put something on?”

“You’re the one who undressed me.” He said, “Plus,” he continued snapping the shoulder strap of her bra lightly, “you’re not exactly decent.”

“I’m more covered up than you are.”

“Point taken.” He replied and turned padding back into the room. Emma came out into the hall,

“What’s up Kit?”

“Whoo hoo! Emma looking sexy! You sure that JC knows you’re out here like that?” Justin called coming down the hall.

“You think this is bad, you should have seen what he answered the door in.” She joked back and Kitty impatiently waved a hand in front of Emma’s face,

“Em, focus on me a little, please?” She pleaded,

“What’s wrong? Did something happen between you and Joey?”

“Nothing yet, I need some c-o’s.”

“Oh, OH, okay. I don’t have any but maybe Josh does, hold on.” Emma went back into the room,


“Yeah?” he called from the bathroom and came out with an arm full of clothes.

“Do you have any c-o’s?”




“So Kitty can get some tonight.” She smiled.

“Oh, geez. Yeah hold on a minute.” He went towards his bag, “I just bought some last week, so they’re good.” He said rumbling through his bag. Emma grinned even more, it was quite a sight to see, JC naked. She sighed to herself, she could watch this all day. JC picked up a box and handed it to her. She looked at it,

“Economy size? Someone was planning on a good time.” She teased and he blushed a little,

“Yeah, well.” He scratched the back of his head and Emma laughed going to the door again. Kitty was impatiently waiting on the other side.

“Here sweetie, Josh’s present to you guys. Have the whole box.” She smiled handing her the box,

“Are you sure?” She said taking the box,

“Josh doesn’t need them when he’s with me and,” She turned her head into the room, “when he’s not with me he definitely doesn’t need them!” She yelled and Kitty laughed,

“Joey and I really, really, really, really, appreciate it. See you tomorrow.” She giggled.

“Goodnight Kitty.” Emma waved and went back into the room. JC surprised her by picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. “Hey!” She said happily.

“Back to where we were.” He said tossing her on the bed and crawling up over her.

“Best place to be.” She replied and kissed him.

“Yes it is.” He whispered against her mouth.

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