Chapter Twenty-Seven

Later that night they all decided to go out on the town. The girls walked out into the hall and heard cat calls,

“Whoa, baby, you lookin’ fine! You coming home with me tonight?” Joey yelled from down the hall,

“Whoo, I swear the temperature just rose 100 degrees, you ladies are hot!” Chris yelled after him,

“Glad you like what you see boys,” Emma chanted, “too bad you won’t get any of it.” She teased and the boys moaned,

“That was harsh Em!” Justin yelled as the girls walked down towards them. JC and Tommy came out of his room and stared at the girls,

“Emma you are not going out in that.” JC stated and Emma looked down at her outfit, She was wearing a fitted knee length silky red skirt and a glittery black halter top that left her back bare.

“Yeah, I don’t think so.” Tommy agreed.

“What? You two don’t like it?” She said and turned around, “I thought it was kind of cute, don’t you boys agree?”

“Damn, Emma you look fine.” Justin whispered not taking his eyes off of her. JC smacked the back of his head,

“That’s why you shouldn’t go out in that. I’ll spend all night fighting them off.” He said walking up to her a little pouty,

“If I walk in with Kitty they won’t be looking at me.” She said nodding to Kitty’s outfit. She was wearing a short sparkly black skirt that had a slit half way up the skirt and a turquoise shirt that had no back and cut very low into her cleavage.

“Amen to that!” Joey yelled and sauntered up to Kitty wrapping his arm around Kitty’s waist. Tommy crossed his arms,

“Ahem. I don’t think so.” He said to the couple and she pushed Joey away,

“Like you could get with this, Fatone.” She teased and Emma laughed. She glanced at JC’s outfit; he was wearing gray fitted pants and a black button down shirt with the top left open. He looked damn good and she slid her hands up his chest,

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about me looking at anyone else tonight, baby.” She whispered giving him the fuck me eyes.

“I’m glad, because with that outfit, I don’t plan on leaving your side.” JC said and pulling her tightly against him.

“That was the point of the outfit.” She said leaning in for a kiss,

“God I love the way you think.” JC replied before kissing her.

“Are we gonna go or watch them molest each other in the hall?!” Chris shouted at the group playfully,

“I don’t think we’ll get away from them molesting each other so we might as well go to the club and watch them molest each other there.” Lance said and Emma and JC pulled away from each other laughing.

“To the club!” Kitty shouted taking Tommy’s hand and they all went off to the limo. Once they were at the club the girls turned quite a few heads. JC had a tight grip on Emma’s side, holding her as close as he could,

“JC, I can’t breathe, loosen up the grip a little.” He looked down at her and let her go a little but not much.

“Sorry, I can’t help it.”

“Do you want to go sit down for a little while?”

“No, we don’t go out that often, I don’t want to spend the night sitting, let’s dance.”

“Okay, Mr. Jones lead the way.” Emma said as JC pulled her onto the dance floor. He held her close as they danced to the music, making it clear that she was his girl. Emma smiled to herself thinking that it was cute. JC noticed her amused look,

“What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” He said into her ear.

“Just thinking of how cute you are. That’s all.” She replied and brushed a kiss on his lips. They danced a few more songs before Emma went to find Tommy and the guys. They were all up in the VIP section except for Justin. He was at the bar getting a drink. Emma excused herself from JC and went over to Justin,

“Hey you.” She said and he looked up in shock,

“Hey Emma.”

“What are you having?” She smiled at him,

“A coolers.” He shrugged, “You’re not going to turn me in are you?”

“Nah, that wouldn’t be any fun.” She grinned,

“Thanks, after this afternoon, I thought you would.”

“I just have one question for you Justin. Why don’t you trust me? I really haven’t done anything to warrant you not trusting me.”

“I know, I just, I don’t know.” He shrugged,

“Feel like you have to protect Josh?” She answered for him,

“Yeah.” He answered guiltily.

“That’s really awesome, but I wish you would come to me if you have a problem with me. Okay? I don’t want to hurt Josh in fact I would pretty much do anything to keep him from getting hurt. We’re on the same side here Justin.”

“I know and I promise to trust you more. You’ve never been anything but level with me and that’s really cool.”

“That’s the way I am. I don’t like manipulators, I give much more respect for being truthful than anything else.”

“I agree. I’m really sorry about how I acted. Your brother probably wants to kill me.”

“Nah, he’s a big teddy bear, once you get to know him. He’s just a little overprotective of me and you set off all of his receptors today at the shoot. He’s a lot like you and Josh are.”

“I noticed, is he cool with me?”

“Yeah, I talked with him about it and he’s cool. He’s a very understanding person.”

“He’s your twin, right?”


“Why don’t you two have the same last name? Is that like a Moroccan thing or something?”

“I didn’t grow up with Tommy, like I did with Stuart.”


“It’s a long story, but basically Tommy was given up for adoption when he was born and was sent to California to live with Mama and Papa Oliver. I didn’t even know I had a twin brother until after my parents died.”

“Wow, so he just came out of the woodworks?”

“Not really, more like we found each other. He was shocked to say the least.”

“Is that why you moved to California?”

“No, my uncle, who I was living with at that time wanted to live there and it was just coincidence that we moved into Tommy’s neighborhood. I was looking for my brother and Tommy was one of the first people I met at school. He came over and saw a picture of my parents. He kind of freaked because he had the same exact picture of his birth parents. We got a blood test and walah, I had a twin brother.”

“Wow, freaky.”

“I know tell me about it. We’ve been kind of inseparable since then.”

“That’s awesome. It’s like a story for Ripley’s believe it or not.”

“I know.” Emma looked over at the table and then back at Justin,

“You wanna go back to the table?”

“Yeah sure, let’s go.” He grinned holding out his arm for her to take. She slipped her arm through it and they walked back to the table. The rest of the night was uneventful, but fun for the whole gang. Emma was glad to see how well Tommy and JC got along together.

The next morning Emma sat down hard on the bed after she came back from sending off Tommy. JC rubbed her back,

“You okay?” She looked back at him with a sad smile,

“Yeah, I’m fine, I guess. I just miss Tommy.”

“He just left.”

“I know, but I just don’t like being away from him, you know?”

“It’s cool how close you two are.”

“I know.” She sighed, “It just makes me sad for all the time we could have spent together growing up. It makes me wonder if he would be the same Tommy that he is today or if he’d be completely different. And if he wasn’t the same Tommy, would we be as close as we are? Maybe we’re just so close because we’re trying to make up for all of the years we were apart.” She blurted out and then she laughed at herself, “I’m a rambling fool, sorry.” JC placed his chin on her shoulder,

“Don’t be, I like your rambling. And just be grateful that you two ARE as close as you are. Do you know why Tommy and you were separated?”

“I have no idea actually. It’s just another one of the many mysteries that make up my life.” She shrugged and then looked up at him, “What are our plans for the day?"

“A few interviews, nothing too strenuous, why?"

“Good, well since we're in New York, I want to stop by Harry Winston. I want to get Connie a small gift. She got straight As in school." Emma beamed,

“Harry Winston? Connie's six. What could she want from there?"

“This little ankle bracelet that's just darling. She deserves it, her school isn't easy." Emma replied,

“But she's six, does she really understand?" He questioned,

“Of course, she acts older than her age. I know she'd love the anklet and take very good care of it."

“Okay, we can do that then. Maybe I can find something for my mom, her birthday is coming up soon."

“Fabulous." She laughed, her mood ten times lighter.

JC sat back alone in his dressing room for a moment contemplating his day with Emma. They had gone to Harry Winston and picked out the anklet for Connie. It was a simple gold chain with a pendent of Connie's Initials encrusted with diamonds. JC still thought that the gift was a little extravagant for a six-year-old girl, but Emma was insistent on rewarding Connie's good grades. When JC was growing up he didn't get rewarded for his grades, just a pat on the back and job well done. Guess life was different if your godmother was a billionaire.

Emma had done a little shopping for herself and her friends back home as well. She pretty much bought every girl she knew something from there. Kitty was estatic when she saw the diamond tennis bracelet and the belly ring that Emma had gotten for her. Emma had gotten herself earrings that hung in strips of diamonds and a new diamond choker. She must have dropped at least 3 million there today, without blinking. He just couldn't contemplate spending that much money in one place. The biggest expense he had was his house and he winced at that price. JC sighed; he never realized how rich she was till today. In his mind, she was still his little innocent girl who needed him. What could he offer a girl like that?

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