Chapter Twenty-Eight

Emma stepped out of the bathroom fiddling with the necklace in her hands,

“Josh honey, I need help with my necklace.” She called out softly. When she didn’t get a response she looked up for JC, “JC?”

“Wow, baby.” He gasped, awestruck at his beautiful girlfriend. Emma was wearing a beige silk dress that regally flowed over her body and revealed her curves without being too tight. It was a sophisticated dress that fell off her shoulders. The tone of the dress made her fair skin glow and her hair was swept up in a simple and sophisticated French twist. She looked like royalty.

“Josh sweetie?” Emma questioned at his dazed look,

“You look gorgeous and that’s an understatement.” He half whispered to her and she blushed,

“Thank you, you’re very sweet.”

“You wanted me?” He asked stepping up to her,

“Oh yes, I need help getting my necklace on.” She said holding out her necklace to him. It was one of the necklaces she had bought the other day at Harry Winston. It was a string of elegant graduated diamonds.

“Can you walk with all these rocks?” He teased as he clipped the necklace on her,

“Josh, it’s just a necklace and it went perfect with the dress. I just wanted to look perfect for you.” She pouted playfully,

“You are perfect, I’m going to be to most envied guy there tonight because you’re my date.” He said dropping a kiss on her neck.

“I feel the same way.” She said turning around and kissing him on the lips. “I’m going to go help Kitty for a moment, so the bathroom’s all yours. I’ll be back in a moment.”

“Kay babe.” He whispered and watched her walk out of the room. He stood there for a moment staring after her. She was such a regal creature, if someone had told him that she was a princess he would have believed them. It was no wonder that she was betrothed to the Prince of Greece.

JC shook his head and went into the bathroom. There was a note in front of a velvet box sitting on the counter. He picked up the note and recognized Emma’s handwriting.

“Thought you could use something special, because you’re so special to me. Love you, Mrs. Jones.”

JC opened up the box to see a pair of diamond encrusted platinum cuff links in the shape of G-clefs and a matching tie tack. When did she get him these? He had been with her the entire time at Harry Winston. She must have snuck them in. He shook his head with a smile, she was something else, how did he get so lucky?

“Josh? Are you almost ready?” Emma called to him when she came back into the room. JC turned as she poked her head in the bathroom, “Josh?”

“Hey baby. Thank you.” He said giving her a kiss. “This was a sweet gift.”

“You’re welcome. I thought you could use them tonight.”

“I will, they’ll look awesome.” He said giving her another kiss. “Can you help me put them on?”

“Sure honey.” She said putting on the cuff links for him. “They look wonderful.”

“You’re wonderful. How did I get so lucky with you?” She grinned up at him, “You hang out at the right places.”

“Like roof tops, Mrs. Jones?”

“Uh huh.” She said and kissed him lightly, “We should get going, if you’re ready.”

“I just have to slide on my jacket and we’re ready to go.”

“Okay.” She said grabbing her purse and waiting for him at the door.

Soon they set off for the formal affair that JC had to attend with the guys. All of the guys were dressed to the nines and had dates. Kitty attended the event with Joey. They really did make a nice pair together, Emma decided as she watched them interact. She hoped they realized how special they each were before it was too late.

JC sat back and watched his Emma at the event. She was simply a goddess. She never tried to be in the spotlight, even though many tried to bring her into it. She was much more content on sitting back and letting other people take it. Emma was happy to be there in support. He was happy to have her in his life, but that one doubt leaked in from the back of his mind…what could he offer a girl like that?

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