Chapter Twenty-Nine

The next day the boy’s had a rare day off and since they were now in Miami all of the guys wanted to spend the day at the beach. JC came out of the bathroom with his swimming trunks on and saw Emma typing away on her laptop.

“Come on Emma, let’s go to the beach.” He said as he walked over to her,

“No, I don’t want to, you go. I can do work.” She waved off, not looking up from her computer.

“Oh no, I have the day off and you’re spending it with me.” He said closing her laptop, “No, go get your stuff. We’re going to the beach and I’m not taking no for an answer.” He said pulling her up from her seat and ushering her over to her suitcase. “I have to go get Justin, be ready for fun in the sun when I get back.” He cheered with a kiss on her cheek and left the room.

Emma stared at the suitcase. How the hell was she going get out of this one?

The crew clambered onto the beach with the guys dropping everything and heading straight for the water. Emma trailed the group slowly, barely able to stand the feel of the sand beneath her feet.

Kitty turned to Lance who was setting down his towel.

“Whoa, Emma looks like she’s gonna be sick.”

“Huh?” Lance said standing up and looking at Emma, “Holy shit, yeah. Where’s C?”

“In the water. I’ve got it.” She said and ran up to her best friend, “Hey hon, you okay?” She asked gently. Emma looked right through her as if she wasn’t there.

“I can’t do this, it isn’t right.” She mumbled and turned away going back towards the hotel. Kitty ran to catch up.

“Hey Em, are you okay?”

“I’m just tired.” She said distantly and walked away. Kitty watched her for a moment before going back to her towel. Lance had gone into the water, so she sat down. She was slightly worried about Emma’s behavior. It was obvious that everything was not okay with her.

It was a while before JC, all wet, ran up to her.

“Hey Kitty, where’s Emma?” He asked looking around and she shrugged,

“Got me, she went back to the hotel practically the moment she touched the sand. She said that she was tired.”

“That’s all she said?”

“No, but it was weird.” Kitty replied and JC squatted down next to her,


“She said, ‘I can’t do this, it isn’t right.’ It was really weird.” JC sighed and scooped up a towel, drying himself off.

“I swear if she’s doing work I’m gonna throw her laptop off the fucking balcony.” He growled as he stomped his stomped his way into the hotel and up to his room.

Why didn’t she want to spend time with him? Why did he always come second to her work? It was important, but lately it was ridiculous. JC opened the door to their room roughly, ready to have it out with her.

“Emma! I have-” He was stopped by the sound of Emma softly crying. He found her huddled on the balcony. He went to her side, “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She sniffed, “I’m fine.”

“Tell me another thing. Come on honey, why are you crying?” He asked and she paused,

“Because I miss Nick.” She said quietly. JC couldn’t figure out who she was talking about. She had never mentioned a Nick before.

“Nick, Emma?” He asked sitting down next to her and she sniffled a nod.

“My best friend.”

“But Kitty’s your-”

“He was before Kitty.”

“Do you want to visit him?” JC asked completely confused,

“If it were only that easy.” She sighed sadly.

“Emma, I’m completely confused here. Who’s Nick and why can’t you see him?”

Emma turned her sad eyes on JC, “Nick was my best friend growing up in Morocco.”

“Is he still there?”

“No, he’s dead.” She said softly,

“Oh, baby.”

“It’s all my fault.” She confessed,

“How is it your fault?”

“Because I let him go alone. I should have stopped him.”

“Where did he go?”

“Sailing, I knew he wasn’t supposed to go, but I let him go. He wanted me to come with him but I didn’t like sailing with him, because he liked to dip the boat to the point that I would almost fall out. I just sat on the beach and let him go. I waited for him to come back, but he never did. He promised me that he would come back and I promised that I would wait for him till he did. I waited forever on that beach but he never came back. I waited for him, I swear I did, but he never came back.” She rambled,

“It’s okay Emma. It wasn’t your fault.”

“I tried to wait for him, but my parents made me leave.”

“I believe you Emma.” JC said softly,

Emma ran her hands through her hair, “They sent search parties and everything, but they never found him, only pieces of his boat. They said that a sea storm capsized his boat and he drowned.” Emma looked up at JC and looked liked she just realized that he was there. “I’m sorry I didn’t stay at the beach, it just brought back too many memories and I couldn’t do it.” She sniffed and wiped off her face.

“No, I’m sorry for forcing you to go.” JC kissed her forehead

“You didn’t know, it’s not your fault.”

“But I should have listened to you.”

“You just did.” She said running a hand down the side of his face, “Why do you want to be with me? I’m one emotional mess after another, it never seems to end with me.” JC chuckled softly, “Baby, I’ve been feeling the same way.”

“See, I am one huge emotional mess.” She said looking away and JC quickly brought her back to look at him,

“God no baby. That’s not what I meant. I meant that I was wondering why you wanted to be with me? What do I have to offer you?”

“Everything. You put me back together when I fall apart and you love me. That’s more than I’ll ever ask. That’s all I want from you. I think you’re simply wonderful. Anyone who can put up with my baggage must be special.”

“I don’t think I put up with anything with you.”

“My working habits?” She questioned with a small smile,

“Mine are just as bad.” He grinned back at her and she let out a small giggle,

“Guess that’s why we work.”

“Yeah, I guess it is.” He said kissing her quickly. Emma sighed and leaned her forehead against his,

“You’re perfect, Josh. Don’t ever change.”

“You’re perfect too Em. Perfect for me.” He sighed happily, “How about we spend sometime by the poolside? Will that work for you?”

“I love the pool.” She smiled,

“And maybe some alone time together?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her,

“Like a date alone, or alone, alone time?” She smiled,

“I think we can fit in both.” He grinned back at her,

“A date without bodyguards, just you and me?” She questioned,

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Later that night, JC came into the girl’s room, grabbed Emma hand and pulled her off of the bed.

“Josh what are you doing?”

“We’re sneaking out, come on.” He said playfully and she quickly followed,

“Why do we have to sneak out?” She whispered to him,

“So that we can be alone with out any bodyguards for a while.”

“Where are we going?” She asked as they sneaked past the guards and down the stair well.

“We’re just going for a walk.” They made their way down to the bottom floor of the hotel and snuck out a side door into the fresh night air.

“It’s absolutely beautiful out tonight.” She sighed happily,

“I hadn’t noticed I was looking at you.” He mused pulling her close and nuzzling her neck. Emma giggled,

“What a smoothie.” She purred, JC grabbed her hand and pulled her along the walk.

“Come on, I want to explore this city!”

They walked along till they found the city park and they strolled along in the grassy fields. Droplets of rain began to fall and Emma turned her head backwards. She let the raindrops fall into her mouth.

“Maybe we should go back in.” JC said pulling her towards the exit and Emma resisted,

“No, let’s stay and play in the rain.” She smiled and the rain started to fall harder,

“We’re gonna get all wet.” He said letting Emma pull him deeper into the park,

“Since when was getting a little wet with me such a problem?” She teased and he smiled. Emma let go of his hand and shucked off her shoes. She ran around with her arms opened wide.

JC went after Emma letting her infectious attitude capture him. He chased after her in the rain around the park. They ran behind tress and through bushes. She always remained just outside his grasp. Her laughter was the best part of the chase; it rang through the air straight to his heart. He couldn’t get enough of it or her smile. Finally he was able to grab her around her waist.

“GOTCHA!” He laughed and she giggled. He turned her around in his arms and kissed her sweetly, “You’re amazing.” He said and she cocked her head to the side,


“Why not? I’ve never had so much fun in the rain.”

“Neither have I.” She kissed him again and then ran away from him.

“You little fox! Get back here!” He laughed chasing after her again. He caught her quickly and trapped her against a tree. “This time you’re not getting away from me.”

“Maybe, I don’t want to get away.” She kissed him deeply. It began to downpour and they were completely soaked through.

Emma began to slide down the tree and JC followed. When they hit the ground she moved around out from under him. JC was about to protest when she stopped it with her lips and straddled his lap. His hands roamed her body over the wet material that clung to her skin.

“I love you Emma.” He whispered breathlessly against her lips.

“Love you too, Josh.” Her hands moved to his pants unfastening them.

“Em, here?” He asked and she kissed him lightly,

“Best place I can think of.”

The two snuck back into the hotel, drenched to the bone from the rain. They were giggling like little school kids who just stole cookies from the cookie jar. They walked down the hall towards JC’s room when Kitty yelled from behind.

“There you two are!” JC and Emma jumped and turned around,

“Oh, hey Kitty what’s up?”

“Where have you two been? You’re drenched to the bone!”

“We, uh, went for a walk and it started to rain.” JC said and Emma just nodded with the biggest grin on her face.

“Somehow I don’t think that’s the full story.” Kitty crossed her arms. Emma shrugged her shoulders,

“It is.” She smiled even more, “We should go change before Josh catches a cold. We’ll see you around Kitty.” She winked before walking away hand in hand with JC.

“I want the full story later, DeCour!” She shouted after them,

“Okay Kitty!” Emma shouted back with a laugh.

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