Chapter Thirty

The next morning Emma walked on the bus talking to Chris behind her. She wasn’t looking when she was suddenly punched in the face.

“Oh!” Emma gasped grabbing her face.

“Oh my god, Emma! I’m so sorry, are you alright?” Kitty screamed grabbing onto Emma who was holding a hand to her face, she was a bit shocked. Emma sat down quickly, “Emma, say something to me.” Kitty pleaded with her best friend,

“I forgot about your mean right hook, Kitty.” Emma said half smiling because her face hurt and Kitty let out a deep breath. JC brought over an ice pack and placed it gingerly on her face.

“Here you go baby.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m so sorry.” Kitty repeated and Emma looked at her,

“It’s okay, Kitty. I should have looked when I came on the bus, don’t worry it doesn’t hurt that much, I swear.” It stung but it was okay.

“Are you sure?” Kitty asked,

“Yeah, hon, I am.”

“Oh man, I hope it doesn’t bruise too badly.” Kitty said worriedly.

“Since when has leaving a bruise in your wake, ever worried you.” Emma teased as she leaned back in her seat.

“Since it’s my best friend’s face and it a shame to have something so beautiful be marred.”

“The sucking up is working.” Emma teased, “Keep it coming.”

Emma walked hand in hand with JC towards the hotel, when she gasped,

“Oh, I forgot my bag on your bus!” She quickly ran back on the bus and it seemed like forever till she came off.

“Couldn’t find it?” He asked,

“Not at first.” She said holding it up, “It was stuck in the crack of your bunk. It’s cool now.”

“Kay babe.”

They went up to their room and gathered up her things to leave. JC didn’t want this moment to come, but knew it had too. Sadly JC took Emma’s bag and brought it outside the room and looked sadly back at her.

“Joshua Chasez, do not give me that look. You’re gonna make me cry.” She half joked.

“I was hoping for a look that would make you stay with me.” He said quietly and she sighed,

“You don’t know how much I want to say that to you, but…”

“You can’t.”

“Yeah, but just think, soon I’ll be back with you.”

“Two weeks!”

“It’ll go by fast trust me, because, we can talk everyday.” She said and wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled his ear. JC hugged her tightly and she snuggled his neck, just enjoying the feeling of his arms and the sound of his breathing.

“Josh, the girl’s ride’s here.” Lance said quietly, breaking up their little moment.

“Guess, I should go.” She said pulling away from him.

“Okay.” He said not looking her in the eye.

“Josh, please, I don’t want my last look at you for two weeks to be of the side of your face.” He turned back to her; tears were on the edges of his eyes. “Come on, Mr. Jones and help me to the elevator.” He forced a smiled and picked up one of her bags as she picked up her carry on and slipped it over her shoulder. They slowly walked towards the elevator hand in hand. Kitty and Joey came out of their room sadly. Chris, Lance and Justin were standing by the elevator ready to say their goodbyes. Each one had a mopey face almost as bad as Joey and JC’s. Emma put down her bag and turned to see all the faces. She put her hands on her hip,

“You people are absolutely ridiculous. It’s not like we’re never going to see each other again. Now I want happier faces on all of you this instant.” She demanded and they all tried to plaster on smiles, “Well it’s not perfect but it’s an improvement. Come here shorty.” She joked with Chris,

“Okay Lefty.” He joked about the black eye she had acquired from Kitty. Emma went and hugged everyone so did Kitty. Emma saved JC for last and gave him the biggest hug,

“So this is it for two weeks?” JC asked,

“Yeah, but it’s not that long, we can make it. I’m going to miss the bloody hell out of you.”

“Mmm, I know and you’ll be so far away.”

“No I won’t.” She said and he looked at her,

“You’ll be on the other side of the world.” He pointed out,

“No, I’m gonna be right here.” She said pointing to his heart, “Safe and Sound.”

“You are in my heart, hell, you are my heart.”

“Just like you’re mine.” She smiled, “Thank you for the last few weeks they were wonderful.” She whispered into his ear,

“You were what made them wonderful. Have a good time in Japan, but not too good of a time.” He teased,

“I won’t because you’re not there.” She said and he smiled shyly,

“MAN, couldn’t you two have done the mushy, gag me, kissy, kissy crap in your room, so we wouldn’t have to see it?” Chris complained,

“Can it Chris.” JC replied before kissing Emma again,

“I love you Josh, see you soon.”

“I love you Emma, call me when you get in.”

“I will.” They kissed their final kiss and then Emma took her bags and went on the elevator with Kitty following. They turned and waved as the door shut.

“I miss them already.” Joey said out loud to no one in particular.

“I do too.” JC agreed.

Later that night, JC slipped into his bunk to sleep for the long ride to the next venue. He noticed a note on his pillow and quickly picked it up. He flopped onto his bed and laid back to read it.
“To my Mr. Jones,

I just wanted to leave a quick note to say that I love you and I’m thinking of you right now. So if life gets rough and hectic, know that I’m right there with you in your heart. Look up and know that I’m sleeping right there with you. Love you.

Mrs. Jones”

JC looked up at the ceiling of his bunk and noticed a picture of Emma taped up there. Next to it in glow-in-the dark letters was the message ‘Sweet dreams, I love you.’ JC smiled at his precious gift. How did she know exactly what he needed even when she wasn’t there?

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