Chapter Thirty-One

The plane ride was a mellow one; it felt like all of their energy had been drained from the girls after their last night with the guys.

“So you leave for Japan when we get home?” Kitty asked quietly,

Emma looked over at her best friend, “As soon as the plan gets refueled and the pilot’s ready to go.”

Kitty reachedover and took Emma's hand, “We’ll miss you.”

Emma smiled, “It’s only for five days. I’m coming back a little early and then we get another week at home.”

“And after that week?” Kitty wondered outloud,

“I don’t know.” Emma shrugged, “I guess I’ll just go with Josh again.”

“You can’t keep following him around.” Kitty pointed out.

Emma ran a hand through her long blonde hair, “I don't know what else to do. I have to go with him if I want to be with him. My job is portable for the most part.”

“But then you’re not home enough to hang out with us.” Kitty playfully whined,

Emma smiled with a twinkle in her eye, “You know you could always come with me. I’m sure a certain Joey wouldn’t mind.”

Kitty rolled her eyes, groaning slightly “I’m not going to be some groupie.” She protested.

“You're not a groupie Kitty, you never were. Joey would love to have you back with him. Did you see how upset he was that you were leaving?”

“Emma, he didn’t ask, okay? We’re just not that way.” Kitty said shortly.

“But if he did ask?” Emma asked gently.

Kitty shrugged, “Sure, I mean, what else am I doing? The last few weeks have been fun, but he won’t ask me, so I don’t have to worry.” She said looking away and Emma knew that the fact that Joey DIDN'T ask her to come with him was really bothering her.


Kitty shot a look to her best friend, “Em, you have to understand that every relationship ISN'T like yours with JC. I’m not like you and if Joey never wants to see me again, it’s cool. It was fun while it lasted.”

Emma paused for a moment, “As long as you don’t believe that you don’t deserve a relationship like mine and JC’s.” She said gently.

Kitty let out a deep breath, “I don’t. It’s just, I like it this way.”

“Okay, then I’ll lay off.” Emma relented, sitting back in her seat on the plane.

Kitty smiled, “Thanks.”

Tommy was waiting to pick them up from the airport when they landed.

“Emma! Kitty!” He yelled and ran over to them, hugging them both together. “God it’s so great to see you gals again, it’s been so quiet with out you two!”

“Somehow I find it hard to believe that!” Emma laughed as she pulled away from her brother.

“It feels good to be home again though.” Kitty said.

“Trust me we are all glad you’re home. Too bad we have to leave for Japan.” Emma brushed her hair out of her face and Tommy finally noticed her eye, “Oh my god, Emma your eye! What happened?” Kitty and Emma looked at each other and laughed,

“I told Kitty that I hated the color purple and you know Kitty and her purple.” She joked.

“What?” He asked as he moved her face from side to side as he inspected the bruise.

“I’ll tell you on the plane. Come on Tommy.” She said taking his hand and turning to Kitty, “I’ll see you in five days?”

“You betcha, have a good trip you two and bring me back a sexy kimono.” She teased,

“How about a wealthy business man holding a sexy kimono?” Emma teased and Kitty laughed,

“Ooo, even better.” She winked and hugged Tommy, “Have a good flight you two.”

“We will.” Tommy replied and then tossed his keys to Kitty, “Take care of my baby.”

“Oh my God, Thomas Oliver is letting ME drive his precious jeep?” She teased and Tommy rolled his eyes,

“Go before I change my mind.” He teased and Kitty just laughed as she waved off the siblings. Emma turned to Tommy, "Ready to go?" He smiled at his twin, "Totally." He paused a minute, "Don't you need to go and stop at the house to get more clothes or something?" Emma shook her head, "No, Stuart already shipped a suitcase over there and it's waiting in my room as we speak." "Wow, he really wasn't kidding, when he wanted you there as soon as possible." Emma laughed, "Tell me about it." She looked at her watch, "Well we better get going. James has probably finished refueling the plane." Tommy grinned as he walked with his twin, "Japan or bust." Emma frowned, "Not exactly the best phrase to say before we get on a place Tommy." He laughed, "Sorry."

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