Chapter Thirty-two

JC picked up his cell phone and checked his messages.

“Hello, my darling, sorry I missed you! I’m having a great time in Japan!” She paused and mentioned something in Japanese, “Sorry about that! The deal is going along splendidly and I should be back in the states by the end of this week. I wish you were here with me though. Japan is so beautiful; Mr. Jiang took me into the rice fields that he owns and the sunrises I’ve seen are breath taking! I just wish I could share them all with you. Say hi to all of the boys for me. I love you and miss you lots Josh. Hopefully we can stop playing phone tag and I can hear your voice. Love you and talk to you soon!”

JC smiled at the message and looked at his watch, it was so hard to tell what time it was in Japan. It was 2:30 pm so he figured it’d be around ten or so. He dialed her up,

“Hello?” A sleepy Emma picked up after a couple of rings.

“Baby? Were you sleeping?”

“Josh!” She said fully awake, “I miss you sweetie! What’s wrong? Why are you calling me so early?”

“Whoa, baby, it’s okay. What time is it there?” JC asked checking his watch again.

Emma rubbed her eyes, “It’s four-thirty in the morning, honey.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought that it was later.”

Emma smiled at his mistake, “No worries. I’m just glad I got to talk to you. Tell me, how’s everything going?”

JC sighed as he played with the pad of paper that was sitting in front of him, “Fine, just like it was when you were here. I miss you.”

“I miss you too. I bought you a present.” She said like she had a secret.

JC was intrigued, “Really? What is it?”

“It’s a surprise, you’ll have to wait till you see me to get it.”

JC pouted playfully, “I can’t wait that long.”

Emma made a sexy purr, “It’ll be worth the wait, trust me.”

“Now, I really am intrigued in my present.” He said sliding down into his seat.

“I could just send it in the mail.” Emma teased,

“You’re the only present I would want in the mail.”

“I wish I could send myself to you in the mail.” She said and then laughed,


“I was just thinking of a song I used to sing when I was little. ‘I’m gonna wrap myself in paper. I’m gonna tie red ribbon too, stick some stamps upon my head, I’m gonna mail myself to you.’“ She sang and he chuckled,

“You don’t know how much I wish, baby.”

“It feels good to hear your voice, Josh. I couldn’t stand playing phone tag, although it did give me something happy to come home too.”

“I’m glad too. This part of the tour isn’t as exciting without you, but you sound like you’re having a lot of fun in Japan.”

Emma played with the edge of her blankets, “It’s okay, Tokyo’s a beautiful city and the people are wonderful. I think Mr. Jiang and I are going to see some more sights today.”

“That doesn’t sound like business.” He joked, but deep down he was jealous that some strange man was showing her around some foreign city.

“Ah, if you only knew. It’s all part of the deal making process. The lawyers draw up the paperwork while the bosses schmooze. It’s how the business world works.”

“Yeah, well keep the schmoozing down to a minimum.” He said with a smile and she heard that in his voice,

“The only guy I want to schmooze intimately, is you Josh Chasez. In fact, I’d give anything to have you in my bed schmoozing with me right now.” She purred again and JC held back his moan.

“I don’t think we’re talking about business anymore.” He teased,

“Oh, we are definitely not talking about business.”

“Mmm, schmoozing my Emma. There’s a thought that brings a smile to my face.” He said and she giggled. JC sighed happily, “So, you’re going to be back in the states this weekend?”

“Yeah, hopefully, if all goes well.”

JC sat up straight in his seat, “What do you mean?” He asked slightly worried.

“Well, if everything goes according to plan, I will.”

“Is everything?” He asked worried that he would have to spend one more day away from her.

“Yes, it is. By the way, Tommy says hi and that he’s keeping me out of trouble.”

“Good, tell him, hi and thanks.”

Emma grinned to herself, glad that her twin and JC got along so well. “I will, you two are more alike than you realize.”

“We just love you too much to let anything happen to you.” JC said, knowing he was sounding completely sappy, but her really didn’t care. It was the truth.

“I know, I appreciate it. I’m a lucky girl.”

“Nah we’re the lucky ones.” He replied and Emma pouted,

“Why do you have to be so sweet when I can’t kiss you.” She sighed.

“Just save them up for when you’re going to see me.” JC smiled at the thought of seeing her again. He really couldn’t wait. Three more days.

“We’re going to have a lot of making up to do.” She mentioned,

“We have a lot of making OUT to do.” He teased making her laugh,

“Yes, yes we do, and other things…”

“Uh, yeah. I’m thinking of locking us away in a room for at least a day.” JC mused.

“Can you do that?” She inquired and hoping his answer would be yes.

JC sighed, “Probably not. We’ll just have to make the most of our nights.”

“Those wonderful nights…” Emma drifted off into her own thoughts of what those nights could include.

“Can’t wait, can you baby?”

“Not at all, I love you Josh.”

“I love you too Em.”

When JC got to his hotel room that evening, he was surprised with a present waiting for him. “What’s this?” He wondered as he looked over the box. There was no card on top of the box, so he opened it. Inside the box on top of everything was an envelope. One word addressed the outside, ‘Josh’. He knew instantly who it was from and smiled to himself. How had Emma gotten a present here before he arrived? He picked up the envelope, revealing an exquisite diamond encrusted watch. A watch? He wondered to himself, why would Emma send him a watch? It was quite the timepiece and he knew that Justin would be jealous, but at the same time, a watch? JC opened the envelope and read the note that accompanied the watch.

Hello my love,
I miss you so much and hearing the sound of your voice just warms my heart. I know you have so many other things to keep track of, that I wanted to help out with a small detail, knowing what time it is wherever I am. The watch has two dials, one to tell you the time where you are and the other is set to the time it is here in Japan, where I am. No more guessing and calling at four in the morning, though I never mind when you call me. I love you.

JC looked back at the watch and smiled, she knew exactly what he needed, even when he didn’t ask for it. It was like she could read his mind. He loved that woman and couldn’t wait to see her again.

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