Chapter Six

Izzy sat by the pool again and worked on her data while waiting for her friend Marc to call from Kappa. He was the oldest brother in the house and had the most pull out of anyone. They were undergrads together and now he was a grad student like her. Finally her phone rang and she answered it,

“Hey sexy.”

“Hey baby.” She said playfully and they talked for a little while before getting to the main issue at hand. Their talk got a little heated and Izzy tried to stay calm but her emotions got the best of her and she ended up yelling at him.

“Why won’t you do the event with us?!”

“Because your sisters were bitchy and got out of hand.”

“Maybe if your brothers weren’t such assholes to my sisters, maybe this wouldn’t have happened!”

“Oh don’t’ blame this on my house, Isabella!”

“Why not? It’s as much your fault as it is ours. Except we’re not immature little brats who can’t own up to it!”

“I don’t have to take this crap from you. Forget doing anything with us. You might want to get a lawyer!” Marc shouted and hung up the phone.

“Argh!” Izzy said and threw her phone down in her stuff. Izzy sat down in her chair and put her head in her hands. Tears of frustration slipped down her face.

“Hey you okay?” Joey came out to the pool. Izzy didn’t lift her head.

“Why do I do this to myself?”

“What happened?”

“I think I just made everything ten times worse.” Joey rubbed her back and she stood. Izzy wrapped her arms around Joey and buried her face in his chest. He just stood there and rubbed her back.

“Can I help?”

“Do you know a good lawyer?”

“What? Why?”

“Cuz, I’m gonna need one. Never mind, I’ll end up going to jail anyways.”

“Iz, you need to sit down and explain things to me. Why would you go to jail for something your sorority did?”

“Because I’m their advisor. I’m in charge, therefore I take the fall when they get in trouble.”

“That’s crazy!”

“It’s the way it works.”

“I won’t let them do that to you.”

“What are you going to do? Send me out of the country?”

“Maybe.” He joked and Izzy laughed.

“Yeah okay.” She wiped her eyes, “I have to stop crying and finish up some loose ends.”

“How about you take a break from all of this and go out on the town with me tonight?”

“I don’t know, Joe. I really don’t feel like it.”

“I’m not taking no for an answer.” He said crossing his arms and she sighed not having the strength to protest.

“Fine I’ll go out tonight. I don’t know how much fun I’ll be though.”

“You’ll have fun and you’ll forget about all this, trust me. Can you be ready by nine?”

“Joey, it’s like five. I think I can manage it.” She laughed.

“Great! Okay I’ll be back to get you for dinner.”

“Kay, thanks Joey.”

“Anytime Princess.”

Izzy cleaned up her stuff from the pool and went upstairs to call Julie. It was a long drawn out conversation with the girl. It was never easy with that girl. Joey knocked on her door. Izzy was in the midst of yelling at Julie.

“I just hope you understand the consequences of what you did last night or any of the nights where you get out of hand. You not only put yourself in danger, you put the sorority at risk, you put Stephanie at risk and you put me at risk. I could go to jail for your foolishness if anything happened to you!” Izzy noticed Joey in the doorway and he made eating motions. She nodded and mouthed, ‘I’ll be right down’, and continued her conversation, “I know you’re sorry Julie, but that doesn’t make it better.” Joey knew she be up there for a little while and went back down to eat. Izzy finished up with Julie and slowly made her way down to dinner. Lance, Chris, Justin and Joey were at the table eating. She walked in on their conversation.

“Yeah, I still can’t believe that Bobbi broke up with him.” Lance said,

“I know he’s been completely miserable all day.” Justin agreed.

“Well now the single out number the daters again. Yes!” Chris and Lance slapped high fives. Izzy sat down and got a plate of food. She was thinking about her situation and not really paying attention to the guys.

“Izzy! Izzy!” Chris yelled at her and chucked a roll at her head. He missed by a mile but he got Izzy’s attention,


“Pass the salsa.”

“Oh sorry.” She said quickly passing the salsa to him. Joey slipped her a business card.

“It’s one of our lawyers. She’s really good. Give her a call and don’t worry about money, I’ve got you covered.” Izzy looked at Joey gratefully.

“Thanks, Joey you’re the best. I’ll give her a call.”

“Yo, why do you need a lawyer?” Justin asked and Izzy shrugged her shoulders,

“Problems at school.”

After dinner she went up to her room and turned on her favorite music, Limp Bizket. It somehow relaxed her, strangely enough. She flopped on her bed, letting the music pound her worries away. Someone suddenly started pounding on her door. Izzy sighed and got up to answer the door. There on the other side was a very pissed off JC.

“Turn your music down, it’s disturbing me!” He shouted at her rudely. Izzy just stared at him and raised her eyebrow. She then reached over and turned her music up louder, shutting the door in his face and locking it. She couldn’t explain why, but something about JC just rubbed her the wrong way. Maybe it was his attitude or his long ass hair, but she enjoyed pissing him off.

It didn’t take long for him to begin pounding on her door again. Izzy pretended not to hear him, but after ten minutes of his pounding she answered the door. He started in on her,

“Who the hell do you think you are?”

“What?” Izzy said cupping her ear, “I can’t hear you.” She then shut the door on him again. “Dumbass.” She muttered to herself and flopped down on her bed. Izzy happened to land on her cell phone and jumped when she felt it vibrate. Quickly Izzy turned down her music and answered her phone. It was Julie trying to apologize again but Izzy told her that she wasn’t the one that she needed to apologize too and she agreed. Izzy told Julie to clean up her act and make things right with Danny. Julie said that she would and they got off the phone. Izzy saw that she had a message and checked it. It was from Marc,

“Hey Izzy, it’s your favorite Kappa brother, well I hope I still am. I’m sorry about before and I just wanted to tell you that I talked to the boys and they’re willing to forget last night ever happened. They still want to do that philanthropy event with you gals. So I hope everything’s cool and I’ll talk to you later. Bye Izzy.”

Izzy couldn’t believe her ears. She played back the message to make sure that she heard it correctly. Izzy squealed in delight and called up Lucy.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Lucy, how much do you love me?”

“Huh? How much do I what?”

“How much do you love me?”


“Because, I happened to clear everything up with the Kappa boys and they’re willing to do the event with us.”

“Oh my god! How did you, how, oh Izzy I love you!” Lucy shouted and Izzy smiled,

“I thought so.” Izzy talked a little bit longer and then got off the phone. She did a little jump before running downstairs to find Joey. He was playing pool with Justin. Izzy skipped over to the bar and pulled out three shot glasses along with a bottle of Jack Daniel’s whiskey. She poured the three shots and then handed them out to the boys.

“What’s this for?” Joey asked suspiciously.

“We’re celebrating.” She replied,

“And what are we celebrating?” Justin asked.

“My not needing a lawyer.” She raised her glass and drank it. The boys both drank theirs,

“So you’re problems at school are all fixed?” Justin asked and she nodded,

“Yup, so where are we going tonight? I am so in the mood to party.”

“That’s what I like to hear. Go get ready, it’s a surprise.” She cocked an eyebrow and then shook her head,

“Kay, I’ll be right down.”

Izzy ran upstairs to get ready. She pulled out her favorite slinky black dress. It was strapless and hung low on her back while the hem flitted around her thighs. Izzy curled her long hair into big ringlets and did some fun makeup. After she was ready she went to find Joey. She found him hanging in the parlor with Lance and Justin. Izzy walked in and leaned against the doorway.

“Hey boys.” She said playfully, they turned and their jaws dropped to the floor.

“I know who’s my date tonight!” Justin said and she smiled slyly,

“I don't know, I prefer southern gentlemen to be my escorts.” She winked at Lance who turned bright red.

“Wow, Izzy-bell, you look smashing!” Joey said and she giggled,

“Damn, I was going for glamorous, but I guess I’ll settle for smashing.” She joked, “So where’s everyone else?”

“Chris went up to get JC.”

JC grumpily walked down the stairs behind Chris. He really didn’t want to go out but he wanted to hang out with the guys.

“Damn who’s that?” Chris stopped on the stairs and JC ran into him.

“Whoa, what?”

“Looks like Joey got some girls over here early.” JC glanced at the woman standing in the doorway. She was absolutely stunning and that was just from the back. She was laughing and every movement her body made was mesmerizing.

“Damn.” Was all that JC could get out.

“Well look who’s finally ready!” Justin shouted and everyone turned in their direction. The woman turned around and both JC’s and Chris’ jaws dropped. It was Izzy!
