Chapter Seven

At the bar JC had had a few drinks, with each one Izzy looked better and better. Since he didn’t have a girlfriend anymore it didn’t matter if he asked her to dance. So JC sidled up to her. She was sitting at a booth with Joey, Lance and some other girls. He slid in next to her,

“Hey Izzy want to dance?” She looked at him with a sly smile, knowing that he had had a few,

“Sure, why not? Gay guys are usually great dancers, let’s go.” Izzy went to get up but JC didn’t move, he just stared at her trying to comprehend what she had just said. The guys snickered on either side of the table.

“I’m, not, gay.” He said slowly

“Yeah, right and I’m Rupaul!” She laughed and JC shot her and exasperated look, “Oh, please you have all the signs.”


“You’re the cleanest guys I have ever met. Everything you wear has to be just so, even when you’re bumming around. It’s all aligned and spotless.”

“So I don’t like being a slob!”

“It takes you over a half an hour to do your hair and you just broke up with your boyfriend, Bobby!” The whole table burst out laughing except for JC,

“Bobbi’s a girl!” He yelled at her. Bobbi was the last thing he wanted to talk about right then and only made him more upset.

“Who would name their girl Bobby?”

“I don’t know, it’s just her name! Forget you Izzy, I don’t have to take this!” He yelled and stalked off,

“Uh oh, think I just made Mr. Prima donna upset. Too bad he has to hide his true self!” She laughed.

“Iz, C really isn’t gay.” Lance said still chuckling,

“You’re kidding me. Come on the hair, the way he dresses, the way he talks!”

“No really, his last girlfriend, damn, was hot.” Joey said and Izzy put a hand to her mouth,

“Oh, no!” She giggled, “No wonder he was so upset! I just thought.” Izzy burst out laughing and was unable to complete her sentence.

JC spent the rest of the night glaring at Izzy from a distance. She irritated him more with every second of her existence in his life. How the hell was he going to spend the rest of the summer with her?

The next morning Izzy arose a little after eleven. She slipped on her robe and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. She wondered if any of the guys were up yet and she was surprised that they had let her sleep in so late. Last night ended up being a blast with the guys, they didn’t end up getting home till late. She wandered downstairs and saw all of the guys in the front foyer. There were big beautiful bouquets of flowers there.

“Well look who finally decided to grace us with her presence today!” Joey joked and JC just stalked off not wanting to deal with Izzy. She smiled when she reached the guys,

“Guess he’s still mad about last night.”

“Yep, I would say that’s a good guess.” Justin smirked and she laughed. Izzy looked at the flowers,

“What’s with the flowers? Is it someone’s birthday or something?”

“No, they’re for you.” Lance said and she stared at the guys in disbelief,

“You’re kidding me. All of them?”

“Looks like it.” Joey said waving a hand over the flowers and Izzy went over to the flowers gingerly smelling them. She picked out the note from the bouquet of pink roses and stargazer lilies. She knew those were from her girls and quickly read the note,

To out dearest Jaws :),
Thank you for being one of the best advisors a chapter could have.
You are a true theta omega in every way. We love you and miss you lots!
Love always,
Your Girls

Izzy smiled at the note. Her girls always knew how to brighten her day.

“Who’s that from?” Joey asked leaning his head over her shoulder to read the note and she pulled it away.

“My girls.” She replied and moved to the other bouquet. It was a beautiful bouquet of mixed flowers and smelled wonderful. She read the note that accompanied them,

We hope that all is healed between our houses and that we will always be your kappa boys.
The brothers of Kappa Psi (especially Mark)

Izzy’s smile brightened with that note. She knew that those flowers were basically from Mark. She would have to call him later to thank him. That left the last bouquet of flowers, two dozen red roses. Probably could be from Joey and the guys welcoming her to the tour. She hoped it wasn’t from whom she feared they were from, because then she would have to kill her best friend for giving him her address. She reached for the note and looked inside the envelope. All she saw was ‘Love, Greg’ and she ripped up the note, leaving it on the table. Izzy picked up the other two bouquets of flowers and started back up the stairs.

“Izzy do you want this last bouquet?” Lance asked picking up the vase of flowers. Izzy turned on the stairs,

“No, I don’t. Do what you want with them, use them as decoration, potpourri, I don’t care.” She said shortly and walked back up to her room. Lance looked to Joey for answers and he shook his head.

“They must be from Greg.”

Izzy laid in her bed that day staring at her ceiling. She was listening to the radio and writing in her journal. The guys had been learning more choreography that day. She had been down to watch for a little while but then came back up to clear her mind. A knock on her door drew her from her writings and she shut her journal.

“Come on in.” She said and Joey poked his head through her door.

“Hey princess what cha up to?” He asked letting himself in. Izzy sat up on her bed,

“Not much. You on break?” She said and patted the bed next to her, indicating him to sit next to her. Joey sat down and pulled out a contract.

“Yeah, so I decided it would be a good time to go over your contract. You know your duties and your salary.” He handed her the contract and she took it and looked it over. Her eyes grew wide,

“You’re basically paying me $650 a week to answer your phone?”

“You have to make phone calls for me too and get me things when I want them.”

“Joey, it’s too much.” She protested handing him the contract, and he gave it right back to her,

“Consider it an investment.”

“In what?”

“Your education, I expect free therapy for my kids when you’re out of school.” He half joked and she smiled,

“Okay, fine, I’ll sign and let you pay me too much money.” She teased and he just rolled his eyes,

“You know, you are the only person I know who complains about getting paid too much.” He handed her a pen and she flipped to the last page to sign it.

“Only because I know how you are with your money. I don’t want you crying poor boy when you can't dance anymore.” She joked and he nodded towards the contract that she was signing,

“Aren’t you gonna read the whole contract?” Izzy shook her head,

“No, I trust you.”

“So the paragraph on sexual favors-” He was cut short when Izzy smacked him in the chest.

“Ass, there is no such thing. I’m sure Kelley wouldn’t have approved of that.” Joey was about to respond when Izzy put her hand over his mouth, “Shh.” She said and turned up the radio.

“This next dedication comes all the way from Edwards town in New York. It goes out to a very special lady that is visiting the area. Izzy, Greg said that he’s sorry and he wants you back in his life, even if it’s just as a friend. You’re too special to give up. So this one’s for you, Izzy.”

The DJ then played, KC and Jojo’s ‘Crazy’. Izzy looked down into her lap and blinked away the tears. Joey wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she leaned on him.

“You okay?” He asked quietly.

“Jerk,” she muttered, “How the hell am I supposed to stay mad at him when he does something sweet like this?” Joey chuckled and squeezed her shoulder,

“I think that’s the point.”

“This is so not cool and he is so gonna get a piece of my mind when I call him tonight.”

“He’ll probably want a piece of your ass too.” He teased and she pushed him away lightheartedly.

“You’re impossible.” Joey roared,

“What about a threesome with you me and Greggy-boy? It falls under our contract…” Izzy dived at him and began tickling him.

“You have a sick mind Fatone!” She had him pinned beneath her when Justin walked into the room.

“Hey, Joey…whoa, looks like you two could use some time alone!” Izzy stopped and threw a pillow at Justin,

“Are all of your minds permentally in the gutter?” She shouted and rolled off of Joey, “Please take him away!” She laughed and Joey got up off the bed,

“So about that threesome…” Joey joked and she threw another pillow at him as the two ducked out of the room. Izzy sure was glad that she was here with Joey. He made everything easier to deal with.

Later that night Joey found Izzy in the backyard laying down on a bench and staring up at the night sky.

“Hey you.” He said and she sat up a little on the bench,

“Hey Joey. You all done for the night?”

“Yep, and I’m exhausted.” He said and sat down on the bench next to her, “So did you call Greg?” Izzy smiled at Joey,

“Sometimes I think you’re more into my life than I am.”

“Stop stalling, what happened?” He pushed and she sighed,

“I called him and we talked.”


“And what?”

“What’s going on between you two?”

“Why do you need to know?”

“I need to have the right information, if someone asks me if you’re free.” He poked,

“Who’s asking?”

“No one as of yet, but just in case.”

“We’re not together. It would just be too hard while we’re apart to have anything.”

“Oh, okay.” There was a quiet silence between the friends and Joey leaned his head back and stared at the night sky, “Wow, there’s so many stars out here.”

“Yeah and it’s so quiet.” Right then Chris came out of the house screaming and yelling. Lance and Justin were chasing him.

“So much for quiet.” Izzy laughed.
