Chapter Eight

Izzy’s first week as Joey’s personal assistant was pretty uneventful. She basically answered the few calls that Joey got and watched the guys finish up their choreography. Through out the week she had little moments with the guys here and there. They treated her like an old friend, well with the exception of JC who just ignored her. That worked out fine for her because she didn’t want anything to do with him. She busied herself with the other four…

Lance walked over to Izzy who was finishing up a phone call. She smiled brightly at him as she hung up the phone.

“Lance! What’s up baby?” She greeted him happily.

“Not much Izzy. Joey working you hard?”

“More like hardly working. I can’t believe that he’s paying me to answer his cell phone.”

“I can’t believe he pays you to answer his phone.” JC mentioned as he passed.

“Chasez, just because you have no life doesn’t mean I want you dwelling in mine.” She shot back and turned to Lance. “I can’t believe I have to spend four more months with that.” She said shaking her head.

“He’s not that bad.”

“Says you, but whatever, I’m not going to waste my time on him.”

“Okay, Miss Nsync Princess.” Lance joked.

“That’s right and don’t you forget it.” She poked him playfully in the side.

“Yes, like you’d ever let me.” He smiled. “So I was wondering if you would want to do something later.”

“Like what?”

“Clean my room.”

“Oh, yeah, like it’s so dirty.” She teased.

“Okay, so how about we get out of this place and go driving.”

“They’re gonna let you out of here without a babysitter?” She winked,

“Yep, if not, I’ll sneak out.”

“I like the way you think, Lance, you’re on.”

“Really? Great! I’ll meet you at five by the front doors.” He grinned,

“Okay, I’ll be there.” She smiled and walked away.

Joey saw the whole thing and heard their conversation. What the hell was Lance doing? He sat down with the guys on a break and took a long drink of water.

“Joey why do you waste your money for Izzy to answer your phone? Don’t you have voicemail?” JC asked,

“C, it’s more than that. She actually had a shit fit when she saw how much I was going to pay her. She tried to get me to pay her less.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because I’m not a scrooge like you.” He retorted and went on before JC could reply, “She needs the money and she’s too proud to ask for it. Izzy’s put herself into debt going to school. I just wanted to help her out and this way I get to hang out with her for the summer.”

“So what’s the deal with her?” Chris asked and Joey looked at him,

“What do you mean, her deal?”

“Is she single? Is she dating some guy at school? What’s her deal?”

“You better get in line shorty, Lance just asked Izzy out on a date tonight.” Justin smirked, “Hell, if I didn’t have Britney I would go for Izzy. She’s cool and down to earth.” Lance sat down with the guys just then,

“Who is?” He interrupted,

“Izzy.” JC huffed and a smile spread across his face.

“Oh, yeah, she is.”

“Oh he’s hooked.” Justin grinned and playfully smacked Lance.

“Well,” Joey said, “I don’t think she’s seeing anyone right now from school, but you might as well ask her and see.”

The next day Joey came up to Izzy during one of their breaks,

“So Isabella, what’s going on between you and Lance?”

“What do you mean? We’re just friends.” She said rolling her eyes at him and he crossed his arms,

“Uh huh, then why’d you go on a date with him?” Izzy sighed,

“I didn’t go on a date with him, Joey. We went for a drive, that’s all. We drove around, singing songs, talking and wasting gas. It wasn’t a date.”

“Okay, if that’s what you say.”

“That’s what I’m saying. Why you gotta make such a big deal out of this? You’re just doing this because it’s Lance.” Izzy said defensively putting her hands on her hips. Joey decided to go right for the point,

“Do you like him?”

“We’re friends, end of discussion.”

“So, you do like him.”

“I didn’t say that , I said that we’re friends. That’s what I want to be, because that’s what I need. I don’t want to get into a relationship right now. Things are too new for me here and things with Greg are weird. I just want to be me. So can you stop pushing the issue please?”

“Yeah, I will, it’s cool with me.”

“Kay thanks.”
