Chapter Twenty Five

Izzy came into the guy’s dressing room with a ton of things in her arms. Lance immediately jumped up to help her.

“Do you need any help?” She gratefully handed a few things to him,

“You’re a God send Lance. Would you mind helping me carry this to Dave?”

“No problem Izzy.” The two walked out the door and Justin let out a snicker,

“How can she not know that he likes her? I swear if he follows her around anymore she’s gonna need a leash.”

“I know, the boy practically trips over himself to be near her.” Chris added.

“He’s so gone.” Joey laughed, “He was gone the moment he met her. I saw it back then. I wouldn’t doubt that if she said jump, he’d say how high?”

“It’s cute though, but I don’t see Izzy going for him.” Justin said.

“Izzy’s always been thick to catching on with guys. She might surprise you if he hounds her enough.” Joey said laughing again.

“He’s off to a good start.” Chris said,

“I know, ‘Izzy do you wanna do something later?’, ‘Izzy do you need anything? I’m here twenty-four/seven for you to walk all over me. No really please walk on me.” Justin mocked Lance and they all started laughing even harder.

“Has he even tried to tell her how he feels?” Chris asked.

“Not that I know of. He keeps putting it off saying that he hasn’t found the right time.”

“He should just go for it. Izzy’s a great girl.” Justin said and JC who was sitting near by reading a book, staying out of the conversation because it dealt with Izzy, nearly choked on the water he was drinking. Justin shot him a look, “Just because you two don’t get along doesn’t mean that she isn’t.”

“God, if she became Lance’s girlfriend she’d hang out with even more! And she’d be around after the tour! Sweet Jesus!” He moaned and Joey tapped him,

“Uh, JC, the girl’s one of my best friends. You’re bound to see her after the tour. She was talking about moving back to Florida after school.”

“Whatever, I wouldn’t have to see her, but if she’s with Lance I would.” Joey ignored JC and turned to the other two,

“How can we get Lance to tell Iz how he feels?”

“Force him? Lock them in a room together?” Chris suggested,

“She’d flip, that wouldn’t work very well.”

“Yeah that’d be bad. We should get them to go on a date! He could tell her then!”

“We don’t have much time for them to go on a date. Plus imagine the press?”

“Don’t worry we’ll come up with a plan.”

JC snuck into Izzy’s room with a bucket in his hands. He had all the ingredients for a perfect prank to pull on Izzy. He set down the big white bucket that was full of water and a bottle of dish soap. Then he pulled out the last ingredient, a huge block of dry ice. He plopped it into the bucket and then quickly made his exit of her room. She was hanging out with Chris playing video games and wouldn’t be back for another hour or so. He laughed to himself as he saw the bubbles pour out of the bucket spreading across the room.
Izzy walked back to her room joking around with Chris.

“I can’t believe that you beat me again, Kirkpatrick. One of these days I’m gonna kick your ass and I’m so going to enjoy that.”

“Yeah right like you could ever beat the champion.” He said making strong man poses, she laughed,

“Not if you’re making poses like that freak.” She teased and opened her door. A wall full of bubble foam tumbled out of her room all over her and Chris.

“What the fuck?” She shouted wading through the mass of white. Chris picked some up and tossed it around.

“Trying to clean your room?” He teased and Izzy looked at him as more began to pour out of her room.

“Yeah that’s what I was trying to do. Jesus I can’t even see into my room to see what’s causing all this! Who the hell did this?” Chris held up his hands in protest,

“Dude, don’t look at me. I was with you all day.” Then Izzy shook her head with a bit of laughter,

“Chasez, it has to be. He actually got creative, I’m impressed.” She said laughing harder and harder till she was on the ground in tears from laughing so hard. The bubbles covered her and soon Chris lost sight of her. He dived into the bubbles looking for Izzy and ended up landing on her causing them both to laugh even harder if that was possible. They had a good time running around in the bubbles till they died down.

“Whoo, I’m gonna have to thank Chasez for this.” She laughed
