Chapter Twenty Six

Chris popped on Joey and Lance’s bus where Izzy was quietly working. She looked up for a second,

“Hey honey, what’s up?” He plopped down next to her,

“Not much what are you doing?”

“Work for Joey. I’ve got to line up his schedule so that he can have some free time with Brianna next week.”

“Oh.” He said and was quiet. She looked at him,

“Did you want something?”

“Um, what are you doing tonight?”

“Nothing and neither are you because you have a 5 am wake up call from yours truly.”

“Okay, so you’re free?”

“Yes.” She looked at Chris, “What do you have up your sleeves, Kirkpatrick?” Chris smiled,

“Nothing, nothing at all.”

“Chris.” She warned,

“You wanna watch a movie tonight in your room tonight?”

“Just you and me?”

“No, everybody, well Joey, Lance and me, cuz Justin and C are hanging out tonight.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Great, see you tonight!” He said bouncing off the bus,

“Bye Chris!”

{Later that night}

Izzy waited for the guys to come over to watch a movie when her phone rang,


“Hey princess.”

“Hey Joey-bear, do you need something?”

“No, I just called to say that I can’t come over tonight. Kelley wants to talk and I have a feeling it’s gonna take a while.”

“Oh, that’s okay, Lance and Chris are still coming, I’ll miss you though.”

“Me too princess. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, I’ll be around if you need me.”

“Okay thanks, bye Iz.”

“Bye Joe.” She hung up the phone and someone knocked on her door. She quickly answered it to reveal Lance was standing there.

“Hey Lance, come on in, we just have to wait for Chris and we can start this party.” Lance walked in her room and she shut the door,

“Oh, I ran into Chris in the hallway. He said that he couldn’t come because he had some Fuman stuff to catch up on and give Busta and Korea baths.”

“Oh okay, then it’s just you and me sweets. Come on in an sit down.” She motioned towards the couch. Lance sat down and Izzy pulled a comforter off the bed and sat down on the couch, joining Lance. She turned on the movie and started watching it. During the movie Izzy cuddled up to Lance, lying against his chest and he had no choice but to wrap his arms around her. He couldn’t have been happier that the guys had purposely left them alone tonight. He would have to thank them in the morning.

After the movie they stayed like that as they watched the credits rolled by.

“Mmm, you’re so comfy I don’t want to move but I have to pee so bad.” Izzy said,

“Well you better go take care of that.”

“I could just go right here.” She teased,

“Oh, no you don’t, that’s completely disgusting.”

“Okay, then.” She sighed and bounced off to the bathroom. She quickly returned flopping back down on the couch. “So are you going back to your room now?”

“Um, I don’t have to. I’m actually not tired yet.”

“Me, neither, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know, what do you feel like doing?” Izzy looked out her balcony door.

“Let’s go sit outside and enjoy the night air. It looks beautiful out.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

“Okay come on sweets.” Izzy said getting up from the couch and offering him a hand. He gladly took it and she pulled him up to her. She smiled and walked out onto the balcony with Lance following. It was quiet warm outside and they sat down in the chairs there. Izzy stretched out her legs and laid them on Lance’s lap,

“You don’t mind, do you?” She asked,

“Nope, not at all.” She stared out into the mountains,

“It’s so beautiful here in Denver.”

“It is, they have great skiing.”

“I wouldn’t know personally.”

“Never been skiing in Colorado?”

“Never been skiing period.”

“Never? Really?”

“Yup, I’ve lived in Florida and New York City most of my life. When I went to college I was too wrapped up in school.” She shrugged her shoulders,

“Well then princess Izzy, I’m going to teach you.”

“You will?”

“Yeah sure, everyone should know how to ski, especially my princess.”

“Of course.” She said and they both laughed. Each of them fell into a quiet silence for a few minutes. Lance gathered up her courage,

“Hey Izzy?”

“Yes, Lance?”

“I-” Izzy jumped up from her chair,

“Hold that thought, my phone’s ringing.” She said and dashed into her room and Lance sat there, “really like you.” He finished to himself. Izzy was in her room for a few minutes and then poked her head out on the balcony,


“Yeah Iz?”

“Um, Greg just called. I have to call him back in a minute. It’s gonna be a while so you might as well go to bed, kay?” He got up,

“Yeah sure, is everything alright?”

“I’m sure it will be.” She said and walked Lance to her door,

“Thanks for hanging out with me.”

“Izzy you don’t have to thank me. I love hanging out with you.” She hugged him,

“I do too, sweets. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Izzy.” He said and left her room with a sigh. He had been so close.

The next day Justin, Chris and Joey bounded over to Lance.

“So did you tell her?” Justin asked,

“No.” Lance said not looking up from what he was doing,

“Why not? It was the perfect chance!” Joey said.

“Because, just as I was about to say something, Greg called with an emergency. She was tied up for the rest of the night with him.”

“Aw man, you were so close!” Chris said

“That’s okay, we can try again-” Justin started and Lance interrupted him,

“Guys stop! There’s no we in this! It’s just her and me. That’s all there should be. When the time comes, then it will. I would really appreciate it if you lay off in the meantime, okay?” He looked at the trio, who hung their heads,

“Okay.” They mumbled.

Izzy was flipping through Joey’s phone list when she came across JC’s cell phone number and his house phone numbers. She grinned evilly to herself. It was too perfect.
JC’s phone rang while he was working on his laptop on the bus. Quickly he picked it up.

“JC speaking.” Screaming hit his ear and he jerked the phone away. “What the hell?” He hung up the phone and set it down. Immediately it began ringing again.

“JC speaking.”

“Oh, my god, it’s you I can’t believe it!”

“Excuse me? Who is this?”

“Mindy, I mean my name is Mindy Wells. I can’t believe that I’m talking to JC of Nsync!!!” She said trying to remain calm.

“Excuse me? Who are you and how did you get my number?”

“Mindy Wells, from Spokane, Washington. I’m one of your biggest fans in the world! This is so surreal; I can’t believe that it’s really you!”

“Hi Mindy.”

“Oh my gosh, you just said my name, this is too much!” She squealed,

“Um, hi, Mindy?”

“Ah, you just said it again! Will you sing to me? I will just die!”

“Yeah, one question first, how did you get my number? Not many people have it?”

“Oh well my friend from the internet gave it to me. I still can’t believe it’s you! It’s really you! I thought she was pulling my leg, but here you are and I’m so freaking right now!!”

“How did your friend get this number?”

“She said that she got it from someone close to the group. We were talking in a chat room, it was the first time she had ever been in there and after chatting a bit she gave it to me.”

“What’s your friend’s name?”

“She said it was Isabel Mari, Mariachi, Maria…”


“Yes! Oh my god you know her! That’s so cool!”

“I’m gonna kill her,” He muttered, “So my number was posted for everyone to see?”

“Um, yeah.”

“How many people were in this chat room?”

“I don’t know about 250 I guess.”

“Aw man, look I have to go. It’s been nice talking to you Mindy.”

“Oh, yeah, look can I call you again?”

“Um sure.” He said, he was going to change his number anyways. “Bye Mindy.”

“Bye!” JC hung up the phone and it began ringing immediately again. He quickly turned it off and threw it against the couch.

“Damn you Izzy.” He groaned and then he chuckled a little. He had to admit that is was a good prank. Pain in the ass to change, and he had to think of something good to get her back.

The next day Lance was chatting with Izzy when JC walked up to them,

“Hey Lance, I-“

“Excuse me Chasez, I believe that I was talking with Lance. You can wait till I’m done.”

“Look I just wanted to give Lance my new cell phone number.”

“Why do you have a new cell phone number?” Lance asked and JC looked at Izzy,

“I had difficulties with my phone and got a new one.” He said with a smile and Izzy returned the smile,

“Is that all?” She asked,

“Yeah that’s it.” He went to walk away and turned suddenly, “Oh, Izzy your friend Mindy Wells says hi. She sounds nice maybe I’ll ask her out.” He finished and walked away,

“Jailbait Chasez! Jailbait!” She shouted after him with a slight laugh and Lance looked at her,

“Whoa, was that an inside joke between you and JC?”

“Something like that.” She smiled,

“I think hell has just frozen over.”

“It just might have.” She replied.
