Chapter Twenty Seven

JC smiled at his newest joke to play on Izzy. He couldn’t keep it to himself and had to tell someone, so he found Chris up in the kitchen.

“Man, I have the best way to get back at Izzy once and for all.” He said and went into the details. Only thing was that JC didn’t realize that Izzy was lying in Justin’s bunk with the curtains shut. She heard his entire scheme and decided to turn the tables on him.

The next day she was hanging out on the stage waiting for Joey to show up. JC came up behind her quietly,

“Hey!” He yelled and she jumped,

“Jerk!” She said when she saw that it was him.

“Okay, okay, I think that these little jokes have gotten a bit out of hand. Truce?” He asked and held out his hand. Izzy couldn’t believe his nerve but played along.

“Truce.” She said shaking his hand,

“Great!” He exclaimed smiling. “Did Joey ever give you a tour of the stage?”

“No, what I’ve seen is from the shows.”

“Really? Want a tour?”

“Sure.” She agreed and JC took her around and showed her everything. He was been extremely nice and even joking around playfully with her. ‘Too bad it’s all an act.’ Izzy thought to herself, she could really see herself liking this JC. Then JC stopped at the rigging,

“Do you want to try it out?” He asked and she decided to play it up for him,

“I don’t know, I’m kind of scared of heights.” JC sucked it right up,

“Oh, it’s not that bad. I’ll be holding the rope and so will the machine. Don’t you trust me?”

“No, but I trust the machine.” She took a deep breath, “Okay hook me up.” JC went about helping her with the harness and the ropes.

“Okay ready?” He yelled from where the machine was.

“My life is in your hands, Chasez.” She said trustingly and he began raising her up. “Wow, this is really cool.” She said knowing that his prank was coming soon. JC moved her around the stage a little and then stopped in the spot that he was going to “drop” her. She looked down and saw Dave waiting with the mattresses in the stage. She was actually sad that this was going to end soon because she enjoyed being in the harness. “I feel like I’m flying!” she shouted down to him and JC grinned, his plan was going so well! She was gonna freak! He jokingly shouted out,

“Uh, Izzy, I think you’re stuck, hold on while I get someone.”

“What?!” She screeched. JC had to stifle his laughter when he stepped back and heard her yell, “Chasez, get me down now!!!!” JC hit the switch that would make her fall and heard her scream, it was too much for him, she was going to kill him but it was so worth it! JC hit the switch again to make her stop again but it didn’t work and Izzy kept screaming. He frantically kept hitting the switch trying to stop Izzy. Then JC heard a sickening thud that made him turn green. He froze in the silence he heard on the stage. JC then rushed to where Izzy had been.

“Izzy! Oh god Izzy!” He saw the hole in the stage and went to the edge and looked down. There in the hole was Izzy lying in an awful position. There was a slow drip of blood coming out of her mouth. He jumped in the hole and shook Izzy.

“Izzy! Oh god what have I done?” Suddenly Dave the stage manager showed up

“What’s all the- Oh my god Izzy! Is she?” He asked JC,

“I don’t know, I don’t know!” He yelled and Dave knelt down gently next to her,

“She’s not breathing JC!” He shouted and JC pulled out his cell phone,

“I’ve got to call an ambulance!”

“Wait, let me see,” Dave checked her pulse and sadly shook his head, “she doesn’t have a pulse JC. She’s dead, looks like she snapped her neck and died instantly.”

“No! This isn’t what was supposed to happen!”

“Oh my god Izzy!” JC heard Joey cry. JC looked up and saw a huge crowd gathering. All of the guys were there. “What did you do?” Joey cried.

“I’m sorry Joey, I didn’t mean for this to happen! You got to believe me!” Tears spilt down his cheeks.

“I’m gonna kill you! You couldn’t let it be! You always had to take it one step further! Are you happy now?! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!?!?!” Joey yelled as he tried to leap forward at JC but was blocked by the rest of the guys. “Let me at him!” Joey growled.

“Joey no, don’t it won’t make things better!” Justin told him.

“It’ll make me feel better.” He snarled. Izzy couldn’t take it any more and started laughing. JC looked down in shock as everyone around him started laughing.

“Aw Izzy, we really had him going there! You ruined it!” Dave said as he helped her to her feet.

“I’m sorry I just couldn’t take it anymore.” Everyone was laughing except JC who was glaring at her.

“All this was a fucking joke? Everyone was in on it?” Izzy smiled and nodded,

“Yep.” She looked upward and waved, “You guys were perfect.” JC turned and stalked away, “Well I guess he didn’t think it was that funny.” She said shrugging her shoulders.
